Chapter 27

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July 27th 2015

It was Thaynes birthday and I was excited to give him his presents. One was a small ring that had a star on it, we had watched the stars a lot lately when we (mostly me) couldn't sleep, one was some new wheels for his skateboard, and the last were some new high tops, he had been complaining about how his favorite pair were broken. I walked into the theater with Jonathan before signing in. 

"Does Thayne know?" Jonathan asks as we make our way up to the dressing rooms. I shake my head, glancing around to make sure he wasn't nearby.

"I told him that I couldn't walk with him already today because Atlas was throwing up, so I was going to leave right before the show. Now I just have to make sure no one tells him anything, and that he doesn't see me except during the show." He nods and I knock on Jon Rua's door.

"Hey, do you need something?" I nod, quietly whispering.

"Is Thayne here yet?" He shakes his head looking confused.

"Can you help get everyone to the green room really quick?" He nods and walks out, Sydney following him.

"I can help too."

"Thanks Sydney." I go up to Daveed and Leslie's dressing room, hoping they would be here.

"Hey guys, can you go down to the green room super quick?" I ask, seeing that they're both there. They nod and get up, giving me confused looks. "Thank you, oh if you see Thayne, don't tell him."

"Why?" Daveed asks, as I follow them.

"You'll see, just don't say anything if you see him." I go up the stairs as they go down. I knock on Pippa and Renées door, glancing around again. Pippa opens it and smiles at me.

"Hey Cameron, what's up?" I go in and she closes the door behind her.

"Is Renée not here yet?" She shakes her head, looking confused.

"Okay, I'll just text her, can you go down to the green room?" She nods and we walk down the stairs together, I knew that Jonathan had told Lin and hopefully Ant and Jazzy. I slip into one of the girls ensemble rooms and see no one there, Jon or Sydney must have told them. I check all the other dressing rooms before going the rest of the way to the green room.

"Okay everyone I'm going to make this quick, I don't know how long until he gets here. Can someone text the people that aren't here yet about this?" I say as Jon Rua nods and takes his phone out.

"Thanks Jon, don't text Thayne though. Since it's Thaynes birthday, what we're gonna do is act like it's a normal day. Lin you can do the thing that you had planned on for the Ham for Ham," I say turning to face him. "But other then that, don't acknowledge that it's his birthday."

"Why?" Leslie calls out.

"Because we're going to surprise him after the show. I'll distract him after the show, I already have a reservation at Gramercy Tavern for after the show. Once we finish I'll somehow get him to go, but please try to get there as soon as you can, I talked to the manager and she said that we can completely surprise him. Like turning the lights off, surprise. Just make sure he knows absolutely nothing. Don't act any different or give him any reason to suspect something's going on." Everyone nods and I walk up to my dressing room with Jazzy. We're chatting about our families when I get a text from Jon Rua.

Hey, he's here and
he's coming up to your 
dressing room looking
for you
                                              Shit thanks

I turn to Jazzy. "He's coming up, where should I hide?" Her eyes widen and we look for a place for me to hide. She shoves me in the small closet and shuts the door.

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