Chapter 34

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⚠️CW⚠️: the Pulse Sh°°ting

May 3rd 2016

Thayne and I skated to the theater together, laughing and messing around with each other. We signed in and walked to our dressing rooms.

"So things are going between the two of you I assume?" Jazzy asks as I walk in with a smile on my face. I nod, biting my lip slightly.

After the show Tommy called everyone into the green room. Jazzy and I change before walking out together.

"What do you think this is about?" Jazzy asks as we walk down to the green room.

"I dunno." I shrug, holding the door open for her.

"Okay everyone. This is gonna be quick, I want to get home just as much as the rest of you." Tommy starts, making everyone laugh. "So we've been asked to do a song at the Tonys. It's probably going to be Yorktown, but Alex, Andy, Lin, and I will talk about it later. If everyone can come in early tomorrow to run through some songs that would be amazing. And lastly we will be having a professional recording of the show made, more details on that to come. See you all tomorrow."

Thayne and I skate back together, talking about the Tonys and wondering how they would film the show.

"Do you want to stay over?" I offer as we stop by my building.

"I can't tonight, I'm dog sitting for a friend. Sorry." He says, looking disappointed. "You could stay over if you want though!"

"Sure, let me walk Atlas and grab some clothes and I'll be over." He nods and hugs me before skating off. I quickly walk Atlas before grabbing some clothes and skating over to Thaynes.

I let myself in and see him playing with a little dog in his living room. I laugh quietly and he looks up.

"Oh hey Cameron." He says, trying to play it cool.

"You're fucking adorable, you know that?" I say, walking over and sitting on the couch. He just smiles. We walked the dog, who's name I had learned was Jack, before changing and falling asleep.

The next day was a two show day so Thayne and I grabbed some salads to eat while Tommy talked to everyone before the first show.

"Thanks for waiting." I say, locking my apartment door before we walk to the stairs after I fed and walked Atlas.

"No problem."

"How long are you dog sitting him for?"

"About a week I think." I nod and we start skating.

We sit down and eat our salads as Tommy goes more into depth on how they would film the movie. I raise my hand as he finishes making him laugh.

"Yes, Cameron?"

"You said it's everyone who's on the album?" He nods and I bite my lip, trying not to smile. "Does that mean that Jonathan's coming back for the shows?"

"I need to make sure he'll be able to, but yes." I grin, looking over at Lin. We share an excited look before Tommy has us run through some songs.

May 19th 2016

I wait outside my apartment for Thayne. After about ten minutes I text him, letting him know that I was going to head to the theater and start skating. He still hasn't responded by the time I get there and I see that he hasn't signed in yet. I pause by the dressing room that he shares with some of the other guys, including Jon Rua.

"Hey do you guys happen to know where Thayne is?" Jon shakes his head, being the only one in the room.

"Sorry. Is everything okay?"

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