Chapter 37

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The next day we do a pickup, which lasts longer than usual as we had to change some things around. Thayne was sitting up in my dressing room before the show, helping me change my brace and get into costume.

"Why do you have an octopus stuffed animal?" Seth asks, stopping by the door as I fix my hair.

"Don't you dare talk about Jerry that way! He's my makeup buddy and keeps me from losing my mind when I can't get my eyeliner right or something like that." I look up at him in the mirror and see he's laughing quietly.

"You think she's joking, but she's not." Thayne says, laughing with him. Seth shrugs and keeps walking.

"Alright, ready to go?" Thayne asks, grabbing his water bottle and standing.

"Sure." We walk down the stairs and into the green room, dropping our phones and water bottles off.

After the show Seth stops by my dressing room again.

"How does Jerry stop you from losing your mind?" He asks, sitting next to Thayne.

"I'll see her start to get frustrated, then she looks at it and goes back to being perfectly fine. But it's only with makeup." Thayne laughs.

"I just look at the face," I hold it up and show Seth. "And I dunno, guess it reminds me that there's bigger problems than my makeup not being right? It just works." Seth gives me a weird look and I laugh.

The next day I walk into Alexia's office and smile at her.

"Cameron! Welcome, are you ready?" I nod, and sit on the table before taking my shoe and brace off.

"How's the knee?"

"Pretty good. Before we start, I had to be in the show two days ago, as well as yesterday."

"Not the dancing though, right?" She asks, grabbing a small towel.

"No, but I did have to bend it and stuff."

"Okay, well. It looks good, so I'd say don't worry about it. If you don't mind, showing me some of the stuff you were doing?" I nod and she helps me off the table. I do some of the dance from Helpless and Satisfied before Say No To This.

"And then one part where I sit on my legs for a good like twenty seconds." I explain. She nods, thinking.

"Is there any way we can change some of the stuff?"

"Yeah, not everything is set in stone, but the general idea." She nods and we work on figuring out the best way for me to do the show.

A few days later I decided to make cookies. I was just putting them in the oven when Thayne walked in from taking Atlas out.

"What are you making?"


"What kind???" I just smile innocently at him. "Cameron-"

"Yes?" I interrupt him.

"What kind of cookies."

"Oatmeal raisin."

His jaw drops. "You didn't." I nod, grinning. "Out of all of the cookies in the world, all of the amazing cookies, you went for oatmeal raisin." I nod again. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"You- Okay, it's okay." He walks over and hugs me. "Don't know why you would do such a thing." He says in my ear.

"We'll they're either oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip." He pulls back and stares at me. He slowly blinks and I smile.

"Did you seriously make both?" I shrug.

"Guess we'll see."

"I hate you." He says, shaking his head with a small smile.

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