Chapter 9

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June 15th 2014

Jonathan had decided to get another job while we kept rehearsing for Hamilton, he was working at Starbucks. We had gotten some rocking chairs, and somehow more plants.

Lin invited everyone out for drinks, but I had had a two show day and my social battery was non-existent at this point so I declined.

I had a nice quiet night at home, cuddled up with Noor and watched Hugo. I climbed into bed after showering and read for a bit before going to sleep.

I woke up around two am to the sound of banging on the front door. Noor barked a couple of times but stopped quickly, so he had probably met whoever was knocking.

I dragged myself out of my bed as the knocking continued, throwing a sweatshirt over my t-shirt and booty shorts.

I opened the door with Noor pacing around my legs. I saw Oak quite literally holding Daveed up, Ariana, Carleigh, Anthony, and Jazzy were standing behind them. And Groffsauce, Jon Rua, Thayne, and Ephraim milling around between everyone.

"Hey Cameron, I'm really sorry to bother you but most of them are too drunk to tell me where they live and I didn't know where else to bring them as my place is too far. Jonathan had started walking here so I just grabbed everyone and we followed him." Oak explains as Ariana and Carleigh started giggling about something or other.

I nod and open the door more to let them in. Everyone staggers in and stands around talking loudly. Oak sets Daveed down on the couch as Jonathan runs into his room and jumps on his bed.

"Okay um let me grab my glasses and the air mattress." I say turning to follow Jonathan as our rooms were across from each other. I grab my glasses and, on my way back out to the living room, the air mattress from the closet.

I set it down next to the table as Oak gets Ariana off from the counter where she was standing, singing my heart will go on with Carleigh. I laugh and shake my head, moving the coffee table to the side.

"Okay so Ariana and Carleigh can go sleep in Jonathan's room-"

"This isn't even my house what are you talking about?" Jon Rua interrupts me.

I smile and usher the two girls to Groff's room as Oak sets up the air mattress. They fall into bed next to Jonathan and I close the door to let them sleep.

I walk back out and Daveed is trying to get Jazzy and Anthony to cuddle.

"No no no! Put your arm around her! Noooooo!" He whines moving Anthony's arm. I shake my head and turn to Oak.

"Are you going to want to stay?" He shakes his head while standing up from the air mattress.

"I'll head home once we get them settled, I didn't drink that much." He explains as I get the spare sheets and put them on the air mattress.

"Okay cool. Ummm lets put the lovebirds over there on the couch, it pulls out as a futon, Daveed and Jon can share the air mattress and Ephraim can take the love seat." I say, trying to make sure everyone will be comfortable. We, gently, push everyone onto said couch, air mattress, and loveseat.

"Okay I'm gonna head out, good luck with this," Oak gestures to everyone, "in the morning. If you need help let me know!" He says making his way to the door.

"Thank you so much, Oak. I mean I'm not happy that they're all blackout drunk, but at least we know that they'll be safe." I say opening the door. He smiles and pats Noor on his head before walking out.

"Stay safe! Text me when you get home otherwise I'll be stressing all night." He nods and walks to the stairs. He waves and I close the door turning back to where everyone was sitting.

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