Chapter 42

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Sarah and I spend the next day walking around, showing me where her favorite stores are and such. I got some new jeans and Sarah got a new shirt.

"Hey Sarah, how does the money work here?" I ask, looking at a menu for takeout. She laughs and walks over.

"We have pounds, which is what you're probably most familiar with. Here's a fifty pound note, a twenty pound note, a ten pound note, and a five pound note." She says, pulling some out of her wallet.

"We also have a pence, which is like your penny I think. They have how much they're worth on it," she grabs a random one and shows me. "So if someone said a water bottle cost, I dunno, let's say 50p, what would you give them?" I look through the coins and find one that said 50, handing it to her.

"Yeah! What about ten quid?" Guessing, I hand her the ten pound note and she nods.

"What's a quid?"

"Slang for a pound." I nod and try to remember everything.

Monday comes quickly and we get ready for the first day of rehearsals. We take the subway, or underground, to the studio. We walk in, seeing a bunch of chairs and people. Walter walks over and greets us, handing us our music and scripts. We do introductions before getting right into it.

"Okay good job everyone! We have a tight schedule, previews are opening in less then a month. I'm glad you're all off book for the most part. We're going to be starting the blocking and choreography tomorrow, so please be ready for that." Walter says as we pack our stuff after almost ten hours of rehearsal. I call Thayne as Sarah showers once we get back to her apartment.

"Hey sweetheart," he says as soon as he picks up.

"Hey," I smile tiredly at him.

"Long day?" he asks sympathetically, walking around the apartment.

"Yeah, we have previews in like a month so a lot of long day's ahead."

"You're opening so soon?"

"Yeah, glad I had the music already printed out." I laugh as Athena jumps up on my lap. "Oh this is Athena, do you remember Sarah?" He nods as he sits on the couch. "She said I could stay with her for a while and this is her cat."

"She's adorable," Thayne smiles before moving the camera to Atlas.

"Atlas! Hi buddy." I smile at my screen where Atlas was just sitting there with his tail wagging.

"Is that your dog?" Sarah asks, walking out of her room.

"Yeah," I turn my phone so she can see. "Thayne this is Sarah, Sarah this is my fiancé Thayne."

"Hi Thayne!" Sarah waves at the camera before smiling at Atlas and walking to the kitchen.

"She seems nice." Thayne comments and I nod.

"She's really nice," I say as I gently push Athena off of me and walk to my room.

"How have the shows been?" I ask, closing the door behind me.

"They've been good. Everyone misses you."

"It hasn't even been a week," I laugh, "but I miss them too." Thayne nods sadly before his face brightens.

"Okay so Tommy, Lin, and I went to figure out the cake today and we had this amazing chocolate cake. It's to die for." I laugh slightly,
watching Thayne go on and on about the cake.

"And I was thinking, you know how people sometimes have like gift baskets or whatever for the guests to take?" I nod slightly. "I was thinking we could do like cookies instead of whatever people normally put."

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