Chapter 1

820 21 7

February 19th 2014

I woke up to Lin calling me around 7:30 AM which would've normally been fine as I would be up running with Noor then but it was Monday which meant it was my day off.

"What do you want Lin?" I grumply ask.

"Wow someones in a good mood." I hear him laugh loudly. I roll my eyes even though I know he can't see it.

"You woke me up. I have a perfectly reasonable excuse for being grumpy. Now what did you want or I'm hanging up." I threaten tiredly looking over at the clock by my bed, then sitting up and petting Noor gently on the top of his head.

"Soooo you remember about a year ago when you helped me with those songs?" He asks and I hear something clatter in the background.


"Well we have out first official read through but we haven't yet cast one of the main rolls yet. Would you mind coming in and just reading the part? Please?" He practically begs me.  I sigh thinking about it.

"I dunno Lin... I wasn't planning on doing anything today other than hang out with Meghan."

"C'mon Cameron. There's gonna be cookies there."

I immediately perk up. "Fine Lin, but that means you gotta do something for me."

"Thank you thank you thank you!!! Ok now can you get here by 8:45 tops? I'll send the address once we hang up."

I look at the time and gasp. "Lin that's in like an hour!"

"Ok and?"

"You're lucky I love you. And that you have cookies." I say after a minute as I stand and stretch.

"I love you too! See you then."

I sigh and roll out of bed. I walked into my tiny kitchen, I mean it's New York City what do you expect? I hear my phone ping from my bed where I left it.

I ignore it thinking its Lin sending me the address and start some coffee. I put a bagel in the toaster and walk to the cabinet where I lock Noors food.

He's way too smart for his own good, so I have to keep it locked. I scoop out some of the food and pour it into his bowl. I hear him instantly jump off my bed when he heard the food hit the bowl.

I hear my phone ping again and walk over to it, wondering who it could be. It was one in the morning back home so everyone should be asleep and any sane person would still be asleep here as well but you never know.

I grab my phone and walk back into the kitchen opening it and seeing a message from Lin, as expected, and one from my landlord. I open that first wondering what it could be.

Hey Cameron! I hope you're having a
good morning. Late last night I received
a text from the building manager. It said
that they're not allowing pets starting
March 1st as it's making the whole building
much more dusty, and the animals are
scratching the floors up. So, unfortunately,
that means that either you have to get rid
of your dog or move out. Thank you, and
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I had no
pull in this decision whatsoever. I hope you
have a great rest of your day and I truly am sorry.

I read the message in shock. How could they do this? I can't find a new place to live that allows pets and that I could afford in the two weeks that they gave me.

I heard my bagel pop and jumped. I forgot that I was making food. I quickly poured the coffee into a thermos and took my bagel out of the toaster.

I walked into my bedroom and grabbed a pair of leggings, a shirt and a sweatshirt that I was pretty sure was Lin's that I had stolen years ago from him.

I leave half the other half of my bagel on a small paper towel and grab Noor's leash.

"Hey bud you wanna go for a walk?" I ask him. He looked up from his bowl that he was licking, and walks over.

I throw on some Converse and clip his leash on, making sure to close my door on the way out. We take a quick walk, just across the street to a small park and back as it's freezing and I had forgotten to grab a coat before I left.

By the time I got back it was already 8:05. I had 40 minutes to get there and I still didn't know how far this place was. Plus I want to get there at least ten minutes early to insure I won't be late, and to make sure I'm at the right place. 

I uncliped Noors leash and grabbed my bagel as I check Lin's message and put it into google maps. Breathing out a sigh of relief as my phone says that it's a 30 minute walk, I throw on a coat and hat because its February in NYC and it's cold as shit.

I grab my backpack which has all my necessities and walk out the door, making sure to lock it. I put my earphones in as I get in the elevator and press shuffle on my music. I mindlessly sing along as I walk, checking the time every now and then.

Once I get there I pause my music and take my earphones out. I walk in and realize Lin only gave me the address of the building, not the floor or anything.

I groan slightly and stand to the side as I click his profile and call him. The little bitch doesn't pick up. I text him urgently because I'm standing to the side and the people  working are starting to give me looks.

Lin what floor is this thing on?

Haha right, I forgot to tell you
Its the 8th floor

Ok which room on that floor?

Nononono its the whole floor
Theres a little hallway but it
just leads to a bathroom

                                         Alright, see you soon

I push myself off the wall I was leaning on and walked to the elevator. I pushed the button for the 8th floor and leaned up against the back wall.

Just as the doors were about to close a hand was pushed through the crack. The doors opened and I looked up to see who the hand belonged to. It was a very familiar face that I hadn't seen in years.

"Groff!!!" I grin and jump into him giving him a bear hug.

"What the fuck? Get off me?" I laugh and stand back a little so he can see me."Oh my god! Cameron?!?"

He hugs me and carries me into the elevator as I'm a good seven inches shorter then him. The elevator doors close and jerks starting to move up to the eighth floor.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him as last I had heard he was in California doing a show or movie, I couldn't remember which.

"I'm playing King George the Third in Hamilton. Y'know, the thing Lin has been talking about for years now."

"Yeah I gave him advice for a couple of the songs. Actually thats-" Just then the doors opened and we heard loud laughing coming from the double doors in front of us.

"-Thats what I'm doing here as well. He called me asking me to just stand in for someone today." He nodded and we walked into the room

A/N: edited! this is definitely one of the shorter chapters, sorry lol anyway don't forget to vote and comment!


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