Chapter 31

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The next day Thayne and I skate to the show, Jonathan walking behind us.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I ask Thayne for probably the 100th time that day as we sign in.

"You'll see." He replies, the same way he had been for the past 99 times. Jonathan laughs behind us as we walk up the stairs.

"You guys are awful."

"Thanks!" I say before hugging Thayne goodbye at his dressing room.

"So, what are you guys doing tomorrow?" Jonathan says, laughing.

"You'll see." I joke back. I walk into my dressing room and set my bag down. I had just finished changing when Jazzy walks in, her makeup already done.

"Heyyy." She says, walking behind me and sitting down in her chair.

"Hi! Are you ready for today?" She nods, grabbing her dress. She plays music as we finish getting ready.

During Wait For It, I move from the bottom of the stairs where I usually am, to sitting one below Thayne. I feel him rest his head on my shoulder as everyone freezes except Leslie.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I whisper, sitting back slightly.

"You'll see." He says, just as quietly. I smile slightly before we start singing.

After the first show Thayne and Anthony join Jazzy and I in our dressing room, wasting time by talking and playing games.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I ask Thayne who shrugs.

"You'll see. Do you have an ace?" He asks Jazzy after replying to me. I sigh and sit back in my seat, watching everyone.

The guys leave a few minutes before the top of the show so we could all change and so Jazzy and I could fix our makeup.

"What was that about?" She asks as I tighten one of my braids.

"Oh, Thayne's not telling me what we're doing tomorrow." She laughs and we finish getting ready before making our way down to the stage.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I jokingly ask Thayne as we dance during Helpless.

"Getting married." He says and I do a small double take. "Nah I'm joking, you'll see." I roll my eyes while smiling and we keep dancing.

After the show Thayne and I walk back with Jonathan. I was a few steps behind them and I can hear bits and pieces of their conversation, but not enough to figure out what they were talking about. We eventually get to our apartment buildings and say goodbye, Thayne hugging me tightly.

"I'll be over around 11 to pick you up." He says before we split. I nod and say goodnight. We wave before he walks off and I join Jonathan who was holding the elevator.

"So. What am I doing tomorrow?" I ask as the elevator slowly moves up to our floor.

"You'll see." He says grinning.

"You too?" I groan. He just nods as the doors open and we walk down the hall. I walk Atlas before showering and climbing into bed.

My alarm goes off at 9 and I roll out of bed, walking to the kitchen and starting coffee. I feed Atlas before making some bacon and eggs for myself. As I'm walking back into my room I realize that Thayne didn't tell me what to wear, other than comfortable shoes. I walk over to Jonathan's room and right before I knock the door opens.

"I was about to knock, but I don't know what to wear and I figured you know more about what's happening than me." He nods and walks into my room. He looks through my clothes and finds some clothes, putting them on my bed.

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