Chapter 12

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quick A/N: let's see how many fun references i can make :)))

I sit at a table, my foot tapping the ground in nervousness as Jonathan gets some drinks. He comes back and we sit there waiting for a call, snacking on the pound cake he got.

After almost an hour his phone buzzes. We jump slightly and he answers.

"Mhm... Okay, we'll head over right away, thank you!" He looks at me and answers my unvoiced question.

"He's done with the MRI and they're gonna tell us what's up when we get there."

I nod slightly. "It must not be good then if they don't want to tell us over the phone," I say standing up.

"No, we're not gonna think like that okay? Think on the brightside."

I shake my head opening the door. "Well no, because if something's wrong then we won't be surprised, and if nothing's wrong then we can celebrate and be happy cause we were wrong." He frowns before responding.

"I know you're stressed about this, so I'm not going to argue, but you're wrong." Deciding to just ignore him we keep walking. I feel my phone buzz and see a message from Thayne.

Hey, how is Noor?

I sigh before responding saying that he had another episode and that they took him to get an MRI. He responds with a very sweet message and I smile slightly. Jonathan looks over my shoulder and awh's at his words.

"He better not hurt you," he warns. "Otherwise I might have to go all Jesse St. James on him." He tries to look fierce but his face breaks into a smile. I laugh giving him a funny look.

"What are you gonna do? Sing show tunes at him and crack an egg on his head?" Jonathan smiles at my joke and laughs before thinking for a second.

"No... I'll eat some cookies in front of him and not let him have any." I turn and gasp.

"How dare you! That is awful, are you the devil?" He laughs and shakes his head.

We walk into the vets office and the assistant that had seen us earlier came up from behind the desk.

"Hey, glad you guys made it back so quickly. He's over here, he's a bit sedated though so he'll be acting weird." She says motioning to the same room that we had been in. 

We follow her and I see Noor lying on the floor with his tongue half out of his mouth. He looks up as we walk in and starts wagging his floor the best he can. He stumbles to his feet and comes over to me. I kneel down and start petting him.

The assistant smiles and says that the doctor will be in in a couple of minutes. Jonathan sits in a chair and looks at his phone.

"Oh Lin says that the next couple of months we're gonna be working the songs, not choreo." I look up at that and nod saying I had heard him.

The doctor comes in after a while and sits down on the rolly chair holding a manilla folder in his hand.

"Okay so I have Noor's MRI's here. We took some of his brain and spine and found something."

He pulls something out of the folder. He puts it in a box on the wall and pushes a button, it lights up and we see what looks to be an x-ray of some sort. Though I know it's an MRI scan, it still looks like an x-ray but with more details. He points to something that looks like the front.

"Right here, you see that whitish looking smudge?" Me and Jonathan nod.

"That's a tumor. We can't be sure if it's cancerous unless we do surgery. Either way he's going to need radiation therapy. At the very least anti-epiletic meds." He explains carefully. I feel tears leak from my eyes as I take everything in.

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