Chapter 3

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I let Jonathan into my apartment and instantly Noor is all over him, trying to lick his face. Jonathan laughs and drops to his knees so he can pet Noor better. I laugh with him and close my door. I walk into the kitchen after hanging my backpack up in a small closet.

"Hey do you want anything to eat or drink?" I ask, noticing that it was only 11:35.

"Sure, I'd love some-" I turn as he stopped talking in the middle of his sentence. I see Noor trying to kill him with kisses.

"Noor! Off! Go to bed please." I tell him. He looks up at me and goes and lays down on his bed thats next to the couch. Jonathan laughs and stands up.

"Yeah I'd love some water. Thanks." He goes and sits down on my couch grabbing the remote to the tv as he does. I grab two glasses and fill them. I hear Grey's Anatomy start.

I walk into the living room and hand one to him. I sit next to him and pull out my laptop so we can find someplace to live. He watches Grey's in disgusted awe as I scroll through listings for an apartment that sparks my interest. I find one and nudge Jonathan in the ribs.

"Heyyyy what was that for?" He complains not taking his eyes off the tv. I sigh and elbow him again. "Fine fine what?" He finally turns and looks at my laptop screen. "Hm no." He says after a second and turns back to the tv.

"Wait why? I though it was pretty good?" I ask.

"It's too far away from everything. Plus it was a bit too much." He says. I sigh and continue scrolling.

After about 20 minutes I find another and nudge him. He actually turns and looks at it the first time.

"Do the virtual tour?" He asks. I nod and click through the pictures. He sighs and says "There's only one bedroom." I frown and look again at the description.

"What no? It doesn't say that. Two bathroom, open floor plan, second story loft, one bedroom-" He smirks and nods when I realize. I give up and close my laptop.

"Hey what do you say we go get Roberto's?" He asks naming one of my favorite Italian restaurants.

"How is that even a question?" I smile.

He stands up making sure to pause the tv show. I stand up and walk into the kitchen, unlocking the cabinet that has Noor's food and treats. I grab a chew toy and give it to him. He starts eating it excitedly.

"Alright lets go!" We walk out making sure to lock my door behind us

As we walked out of the restaurant I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out and see that Lin had texted me.

Hey, so you're in Beauty
and the Beast now, right?

Yes, what about it?

Just wondering

Need I be worried?

Not at all :)

"Who're you texting?" Jonathan askes as I shiver next to him waiting for the cars to stop so we can cross the street without dying.

"Lin was just wondering if I was still working on Beauty and the Beast or not. I'm not sure why, he was acting weird." I respond as we start to cross the road.

"Ok well my hotel is up this way." He points up the street that we had just crossed.

"Oh okay. Let me know when you're free next, we need to finish catching up." I say smiling a little.

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