Chapter 18

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Quick A/N: Just a disclaimer, I don't think any of the cast would act like this, especially Carliegh, it's all for the story

I walked into the apartment and saw Jonathan standing there. He walks up as I shake my shoes off and gives me a big bear hug. After a few minutes we pull apart. We sit on the couch, Jonathan putting leftovers in the microwave.

"What happened?" He asks after a minute.

"So he had asked to talk out in the hallway after we recorded the album, but I had to leave cause they had me and Jazzy sing first. Later I was walking back with Ariana and he tried to talk to me again but we kept walking. Then today Carleigh was like giving me dirty looks, I'm not sure why. He didn't try talking to me today, except right before Helpless. Then on the way back. Did you hear any of it?" He shakes his head and we hear the microwave beep.

"Hold on, let me go put yours in and we can continue." I nod and play with a pillow until
he comes back in.

"Okay what did you two talk about?"

"Well he explained himself, I guess." Jonathan gives me a look.

"Okay so, he said that the girl was drunk and pushed him against the wall, he didn't want to push her back cause he didn't want her to fall into the street. And he didn't text me cause he left his phone at the party that he was at and someone must've put it in water or something because it wouldn't turn on even when he tried plugging it in. And he didn't think to ask anyone for their phone to text me about it, his words not mine. Oh, and I kissed Ariana last night and now I don't know what to do." I say in one breath. The microwave beeps. He gets up and grabs it for me, along with some napkins for us. He hands it to me and I start slowly eating it.

"So, you kissed Ariana huh?"

"Yeah, I don't know what to think about it." He nods, thinking.

"Well did you like it?"

"Yes? No? I don't know. Like could that be considered cheating since Thayne and I aren't officially broken up?"

"Okay hmmm do you like her like that?"

"Maybe? I don't think so, and it's not just because I'm dating Thayne. Like it was nice sure, but I don't know." He continues eating for a minute before talking again.

"Okay well take your time with this, you don't want to rush things and then later on feel like you made the wrong choice. No matter which way you choose, you need to sit down with Thayne and have a conversation with him without any yelling or storming off or anything. I can help set it up if you want, but you need to make sure to not get pissed off or anything. And you should probably tell him after that you kissed Ariana, the sooner the better." I nod and rest my head on his shoulder, setting my plate down on the coffee table.

The next day Jonathan and I walk into rehearsal, I see Carleigh talking to Sasha and they were giving me dirty looks.

"I still don't know what I did." I mutter to Jonathan.

"Weird." He muses and looks thoughtful. We start stretching as everyone else walks in.

"Alright everyone! Make sure to warm up your voices as well, we are going to do up to The Story of Tonight reprise, then we'll take a break and talk about it, then Wait For It to Non-Stop. We'll talk about those then move on to What Did I Miss to We Know, talk, and move on to Hurricane to Who Lives Who Dies, okay? Okay! Let's sing today, and give it our all." Andy says and everyone starts getting ready.

"Oh! Cameron let's have you as Peggy, and Jazzy as Maria today." Jazzy and I nod and move to our opening spots. I dance and joke around with Anthony during Helpless and Satisfied.

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