Chapter 11

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"We need to get back, fast."

Thayne and I run up the stairs to my apartment and I throw the door open. I see Jonathan crouching over Noor who's still laying on his side.

"He tried to get up but I told him to stay down." Jonathan explains with his hand on Noors' side. I nod and rush over to Noor, with Thayne awkwardly standing by the door with a frown on his face.

"Has anything else happened?" I ask petting Noor's head. His tail starts thumping on the floor as Jonathan responds.

"No but I'm not sure what else might've happened before I got here." He explains standing up. I nod and notice that Noor still hasn't eaten his dinner even though I gave it to him before I left on my date with Thayne. I hear Jonathan and Thayne talking quietly behind me as I continue to pet Noor.

"What's wrong bud? You okay?" I baby him. He thumps his tail on the ground again knowing that I'd just tell him to lay back down again if he got up. I turn to the other two who have closed the door and just took their shoes off.

"Would one of you mind helping me carry him to my bed?" Thayne nods and picks him up. I follow alongside him, carrying Noors head. I had left my door open so we just went right in. We wait by the bed as Jonathan comes over with an old towel and sets it on my bed in case anything happens during the night.

We rest Noor so his head is on the towel and walk out. I turn at the door and see that he had lifted his head.

"Stay buddy, relax." He sighs and sets his head on his paws as I close the door. I follow the boys to the living room as Jonathan starts the tea kettle.

"Do you want some tea?" He asks as I sit next to Thayne on the couch and cuddle into his side slightly.

"Um sure, decaf, earl grey if we have any. If not anything works. Do you want anything Thayne?" I say taking a deep breath.

"Um I'll have a green tea if you have any, if not anything's fine as well." Jonathan nods and starts humming something under his breath. I feel Thayne look down at me.

"Hey you okay? Like obviously you're not but do you need to talk or anything?" He says quietly putting his arms around me and hugging me slightly. I think about it for a second before replying.

"I'm really worried. Noor's been here for me pretty much the entire time I've lived in New York. I don't want anything to happen y'know? I don't want to have to put him down, but at the same time I don't want him to suffer." Thayne nods and hugs me tighter.

"I'm so sorry Cameron. He's such a sweet dog, I really hope nothings wrong." I can hear the sincerity in his voice and cuddle into him more as Jonathan brings our mugs out.

"I can make a vets appointment first thing in the morning if you want?" Jonathan asks. I nod, taking my mug and sipping from it.

"Thank you." I say quietly. We all sit for a little bit in comfortable silence.

I start to drift off after a while and Thayne notices. He puts his mug on the side table and picks me up. He brings me to my room and sets me down on my bed.

"Do you need anything?" He says turning my light off as I gently pet Noor's head.

"Can you stay for a bit?" He nods and takes his sweatshirt off.

"I'm gonna go ask Jonathan if I can borrow some sweatpants again." He says walking out.

I don't bother responding as he'd be back. I pushed myself off the bed and changed into booty shorts and a big t-shirt that was my brothers. He comes back in with shorts in hand and sweatpants on.

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