Chapter 39

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December 18th 2017

Thayne woke me up with breakfast in bed, it was slowly turning into our tradition.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." I smile and thank him before we share the food he made. I decide to open the presents before we go to the show.

Thayne got me a sweatshirt I had been wanting, some fuzzy socks, and a book series called Chaos Walking which I was excited to start reading. I thank him before we walk to the theater quickly, our eyes watering from the wind.

Tommy gives me a balloon and a hug as we walk in, wishing me a happy birthday. When I get to my spot in the girls ensemble room I see a bunch of cookies. After the show Thayne seems to be dragging his feet on the way back.

"Babe c'mon it's cold!" I say, trying to get him to walk faster. He walks a little faster, looking up at me with a smile.

"Babe?" I shrug with a smile.

I open the door to our apartment and hear people shouting surprise. I smile at all of them, Jazzy, Ant, Ariana, Lin, Jon Rua, and Daveed.

"More people are coming by later." Thayne says as I run over and hug them after setting the cookies down on the counter. Oak, Pippa, and Renee come a few minutes later.

"Happy birthday Cameron!" Pippa says, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you!!" I grin, hugging her back.

A few hours later Thayne and I clean up after everyone leaves. Thayne walks over as I sit on the couch with Atlas.

"I know you said that I didn't have to but I still don't care, here." He hands me a small thin box. I open it and see a star necklace that's identical to the one he got me a few years ago. 


"I know you miss it, don't pretend you don't." I laugh and shrug, turning to let him clip it on.

"Your laugh is cute." He says as I turn back to face him. I laugh again and hug him, kissing his cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

After a few minutes I grab The Knife of Never Letting Go which was the first in the Chaos Walking series and start reading. Thayne looks over and starts reading it with me.

"How do you read so fast?" He asks as I turn the page.

"I'm a fast reader." After a minute I look up and he's not reading anymore, just watching me read. "Do you want me to read it outloud?" He nods and I start reading.

We decided to have a nice quiet Christmas, both of us getting the other a few small things. Lin had invited us and Jazzy and Anthony over for a small Christmas dinner.

December 27th 2017

I woke up early and decided to walk Atlas. I see Atlas laying on his side with puke on the floor.

"Oh Atlas." I sigh and clean it up.

"Good morning." Thayne says, walking out and making coffee as I finish.

"Morning. Can you let Tommy know I won't be there today?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I walked out and saw that Atlas had thrown up. Probably nothing but I'd rather get him checked out sooner rather than later and I'm not sure how long it'll take."

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asks, setting his cup of coffee down.

"I'll be fine, but thank you." He nods and I call the vet, making an appointment for later that day which was the earliest they could see him.

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