Chapter 21

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I wake up at 8:30 to my alarm going off. Atlas picks his head up from his bed and yawns, looking at me. I don't say anything to him, but pat my leg as I get off my bed and walk to the kitchen, getting tea ready.

As it heats up, I get the food for Atlas and without saying anything, wait until he sits to give him his food. I scratch his head and let him have it. I eat a banana and drink my tea before changing.

I grab his leash, a coat, and earphones before taking him on a walk. I see Thayne and walk up to him, tapping his shoulder. He turns and smiles.

"Hey you ready for tonight?" He asks quietly.  I nod as Atlas sniffs his feet. He looks down and smiles.

"Did you seriously get a puppy right before opening?" He picks Atas up, scratching his belly.

I nod. "The lady was very pushy." He laughs a little.

"What's his name?"

"Atlas, titian of endurance and astronomy." He nods and puts Atlas back on the ground.

"Here let me walk you back." He offers. I nod and let him walk with me. "I'll see you at the theater then." He says to me before turning to Atlas. "And I'll hopefully see you soon."

"You can come over and see him whenever." He smiles and waves before I walk into my building. Jonathan is up and making a smoothie. He waves and I smile at him, taking off my coat. After sharing some of the smoothie Jonathan made, I changed into some leggings and an old t-shirt.

I walk down to the gym that's in the lobby and stretch before doing a bit of yoga, wanting to not push it too much. I finish and go up for lunch.

Jonathan is walking out as I walk in. I give him a weird look but he shrugs and continues. I ignore it and decide to make chicken caesar salad. I'm almost done with making it when Jonathan comes back in, holding the mail.

I smile and he hands me an envelope. I glance at it, but put it aside so I can finish my food. I start eating and scroll through twitter and instagram. After I clean up my mess I open it.

Hi Cameron!
Congrats on the role! Everyone here is very excited for you! I wish I could come and support you, but know that I will be thinking of you. I will do my best to come at some point soon. Remember to breathe. Don't forget to stretch, and make sure to bring a water bottle. We don't want a repeat of the Addams Family again.

I smile, remembering when we did the Addams Family one year and I could never remember to bring a water bottle.

Oh I need to go get ready for the rehearsal dinner. Break a leg, you will do amazing. I love you so much, you got this.
Lots of love
    -Mrs. Kai

I smile slightly, before hearing my phone buzz. It's a message from Hannah.

Hey dude. You got this.
Breathe. I wish I could
be there, but I'll make
sure to come at some
point. Love you
                                             Thank you!!
                      And yes! Definitely come
                      see it. Let me know when
                  you can come and I can see
                          if I can get you a ticket.

I turn my phone off and go get ready. Deciding to do my hair after the rehearsal, I take Atlas on a walk. I leave a busy bone out for him, and a small bit of food. Turning the tv on, I knock on Jonathan's door. He opens it and we walk out together.

We get there and sign in, noticing that almost everyone else is there. I set my stuff down next to Jazzy's and dig through it, looking for my water bottle.

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