Chapter 10

381 10 3

July 21 2014

Thaynes birthday was in a couple of days and I was super excited.

I had seen him looking at some Harry Potter merch a month or so ago and decided to look on Amazon to find him something. I couldn't remember him ever telling me which Hogwarts house he was in so I was trying to find him something that didn't have to do with the house.

After about ten or so minutes I found something that I was happy with, replicas of Harry, Hermione, and Ron's wands. I really hoped he would like them, but just in case I was going to make a bunch of cookies.

Jonathan was lucky, he didn't really have any choreography to learn, so he doesn't have to go to every single rehearsal unlike the rest of us.

"I am so tired." I complain while changing shoes, I had been in the ensemble today and Jazzy had played Peggy as we were still in the first act.

"I don't look forward to that tomorrow." Jazzy agress taking a sip of her water. I sigh remembering that I still have to walk home as I didn't feel like dealing with New York traffic this morning.

"You good?" Pippa asks laughing.

"I still gotta walk home." I say frowning. "I don't think Jonathan will come pick me up."

"Well if you get Jonathan to pick you up who am I going to walk with?" Thayne asks, walking over.

"Oh um-"

"I'm joking, though I'd miss my walking buddy." He says sitting down next to me.

"Hmm I guess then I will get Jonathan to pick me up." I joke. "I'll walk with you, but you gotta carry me?" I bargain.

"I'll carry you, but you're gonna owe me some cookies." I smile and nod, putting the last couple of things in my backpack.

He stands and holds his hand out for me to take. I take it and we walk out, following Jazzy and Anthony. We all stand in the elevator and I feel my phone buzz. I look down and see a text from Jazzy.

So you and Thayne?
What? No, we're just friends
Mhm, and yet y'all were
flirting like theres no
tomorrow earlier, plus after
we all spent the night, I saw
the way he was looking at you
Like I said, we're just friends
anyways even if I did like him,
which I don't, he probably
doesn't like me back so it's
Fine, fine fine, don't say
I didn't tell you so when he
asks you out.

I roll my eyes and give Jazzy a look. She smiles and I shake my head. Thayne and Anthony watch the two of us talk without talking and exchange confused looks. Just then the elevator doors open and we walk out. They go to the right and we go to the left.

At the first corner he hands me his water bottle and turns so I can get on his back. I jump on after putting his water bottle in my backpack.

He crosses the street and we talk about rehearsals and about how cute Anthony and Jazzy would be if they got together.

"It's gonna happen I swear!" I say laughing.

"I don't doubt you but I still don't think it'll be that soon."

"I would argue more but I'm too tired and I think you would drop me if I kept arguing."

"I would never drop you." He says blushing slightly.

"Awww! Thank you! I'll give you more cookies then." He grins and speeds his pace up.

We, well really Thayne, walk up to my apartment. We walk in after taking our shoes off and I see a note saying that Jonathan was taking Noor on a run and that there was a package for me in the lobby.

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