The Perfect Villain

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"You're perfect"

The voice echoed through the vast depths.

"The perfect villain for my story"

Sounds of laughter hung around him like always.

It always pierced through him like a knife or spear and he didn't know how to make the pain stop.

The high-pitched ringing returned, stabbing inside his ears.

He tried to dig inside to stop the ringing but it was no use.

"Why fight it?"

He panicked and held his head in his hands, trying to stop everything from collapsing down on him.

The pressure grew more and more intense.

"You'll see it eventually. I'm the hero and sooner or later I will take you down. . . . And you'll let me, . . . ."

He was on his knees but he felt like he was drifting out into space. If only he'd drift off into the sun to burn. Maybe then it'd get rid of all of this pain.

" . . . won't you?"

He tried to scream but no sound came out. He couldn't take it. He just couldn't make it stop!

"See you soon, my dear friend"

"Huuuh!" Dark gasped and flinched violently, waking up from his nightmare.

His breathing was heavy and his heartbeat was frantic.

He had his eyes closed to try and calm himself but he still felt that same feeling that he was being watched.

Usually the feeling stopped when he woke up.

When Dark's breathing went back to normal, he finally opened his eyes.

He jumped, seeing a familiar face in front of him.

"Christ, Wilford . . . . what do you want?" he sighed heavily.

The craziest ego with the pink mustache stared at him from the other side of his desk with a confused smile on his face.

"Well hey there, Darkipoo! I was WONDERING when you'd wake up! Ya know it's not too good to sleep at yer desk, ya know!?"

Dark swallowed and licked at his dry lips, sitting up straighter in in his office chair. He felt the cracking of his back and groaned.

"Don't worry about it, Wil. I'm fine. I must have just dozed off"

"You've been sleeping there all NIGHT, Darky!" Wilford scoffed at him. The man stood up, leaning over the desk to scold him further, pointing his finger at him sternly, "Now ya know ol' Warfstache don't take no shit from nobody! Ya better not do this again, ya hear?"

Dark snorted but nodded, "Sure . . what time is- wait a second . . . .  did you say I've been sleeping here all night? And just HOW did you know that, Wil?"

Wilford looked cornered and looked away.

"You haven't been watching me sleep again, have you?"

"NO!" the man denied, "Uh . . . I'm gonna go get ya some coffee! Black like yer soul, right?! I'll be right back!" he vanished from the room immediately.

Dark rolled his eyes, 'He's been doing that more often lately. I know it's because Damien and Celine's birthday is coming up soon but I wish he'd . . ..'

He stopped himself from thinking it. He couldn't imagine the pain Wil had gone through. He'd be the last person to tell Wilford he had to 'get over it'.

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now