Mark's Backyard Bootleg Movie

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"It's all your fault!"

"Look what you've done!"

"He's ruined you!"

"I told you this would happen!"

"Why didn't you listen to me!?"


Dark bolted upwards, suddenly realizing in that instant that he had been dreaming again.

"Man you really are a show in the mornings, aren't ya?"

Dark's eyes darted to the other side of the basement to see Anti smirking at him. He growled and turned away, not in the mood for the glitch's jabs.

"Aw what? I thought we've been getting along swell! What's that glare for, duuuuude?" he snickered.

Dark just ignored him and got out of bed. He was about to leave up the stairs when Dark Chica whined and he looked over to see her holding his cane in her mouth.

"Right . . . thanks girl" he took it from her.

Anti glanced between Dark and the cane, "You really take that fooking thing everywhere with ya, don't ya?"

"It's an . . . heirloom of sorts" he just responded.

"Hm . . . . Looks to me like you've just stolen someone else's stick and claimed it as your own. I heard about it from the videos-"

"You don't know anything!" Dark snapped at him but called quickly after with a small breathe, "It was Damien's . . . . and now it's mine. That's all there is to it"

Without waiting for a reply, Dark left the basement to head upstairs for breakfast.

Today was a special day of filming. They were all going out to Mark's backyard with Bob, Wade and Ethan to film a scene about a stand off or something like that. He briefly read about it in the script Mark gave him. He didn't have to worry about his own part. 

Dark Chica would be going, too and acting as a wild beast or 'werewolf' in this case to interrupt the stand-off.

Dark just hoped nothing bad would happen.

He didn't have long to figure out why Anti was there and why he was working with Actor. If that's REALLY who he was working with. Anti could have been lying to manipulate him off the trail. 

The real Chase was supposed to come in a few days by now and he didn't know if Anti really did kidnap him or was just acting his part without anyone else realizing it or asking questions. Dark actually hoped Anti's cover wouldn't be blown so he wouldn't have an even bigger mess on his hands.

Anti was docile for NOW.

But how much time did he have left until he wasn't?

He knew he should tell someone but right now the pros outweighed the risks for the moment in his head.

And now they were all at Mark's house, Dark Chica at Dark's side with a leash on her. She tried tugging to go play with the other dogs but something that Anti had said the other day was still bothering him.

'Haven't you been wondering why she's been so sweet to people and other animals lately? It's not because Mark's finally giving her a chance.'

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now