Advice From Dark Chica

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Tomorrow, Mark would call for all of them to leave the protection of his mind.

What so many people knew of to be the 'void'. Just a small part of Markiplier's imagination.

'Why didn't he say anything to ME?' Dark still wondered about that, lying in his bed.

Wilford had demanded he slept in his bed this time and Dark had to agree unless he wanted to be watched in his sleep again.

'He told Wilford, Google and Bim and the Jims . . . . but not me. Aren't I important? I thought I was one of the main egos like Wil . . . maybe he had his reasons. Did he think I'd argue or get upset?'

Whatever the reason, he tried not to think too hard on it. He had to try and go to sleep but his insomnia was wreaking havoc on him this night.

'I know I promised Wil I'd try and get some sleep tonight . . but it doesn't look like that'll be happening any time soon.' he sat up on his bed and looked out the window.

It was so fascinating see to how Mark's mind made everything in there look so real. It looked like he was looking out onto a small forest that was succumbed by darkness in the distance. 

And just near the house, he could see something that always made his day OR night.

With a slight crack of a smile, Dark got out of bed and dressed in some casual wear, just something quick. As usual, he had his ca-Damien's cane and he walked out of his room and downstairs to the foyer.

Everyone else seemed to be asleep and Dark envied them all, really. How could they sleep so easily when he was cursed with the suffering of continuous exhaustion, unable to ever rest?

It was bullshit.

Going outside, Dark made sure to stay quiet as he rounded to the backyard. A special area in the back, really, where they kept a special somebody.

He saw her shed where they had to keep her, locked and chained. Unfortunately, Dark had to agree with it as she was a beast with anyone else.

Dark tapped on the shed door lightly to get her attention.

A low growl sounded behind the door and Dark chuckled.

"Relax, girl. It's just me"

The growling stopped and Dark opened the door. It was dark in the shed but the large dog didn't seem to mind, being able to see him just fine. Dark heard the clanging of chains, knowing she was coming over to him and felt her before anything.

"Hey there, girl. You doing good in here? How's your water?"

The dog licked at his hand and Dark scratched at her ears before turning on her lantern so he could see her.

The large dog came up to his hip, had black fur and blue eyes but other than that, looked exactly like Mark's dog, Chica. 

Her name was Dark Chica. Or as Bing liked to called her: DC, for some reason.

Dark just liked to call her his girl or his baby. Because she was. The so called 'villain' treated her like a princess and her belly showed it from all the snacks he'd sneak for her.

Dark rubbed her neck and fluffy cheeks, "Let's go sit down, hm?" he went over to a small bench and sat down, watching as his girl sat in front of him at his feet.

He chuckled, "I didn't bring any food this time. I think you need to cut back"

Dark Chica growled a little.

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now