Chills Up Your Spine

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Dark shuddered but he was pretty sure it wasn't from being in the cold, damp basement.


Dark was starting to hyperventilate, thinking about what could have possibly happened.


Dark dropped his cane and bolted for the basement window, hopping up to look and see if she had just escaped out into the yard.

"CHICA!" he whisper-shouted.

Nothing but a the sound of leaves rustling and a bird chirping.


Still nothing.


He fell off the ledge and ran out of the basement, ignoring everyone he ran past who stared at him as if he were crazy. It wasn't that unusual of a thing, really, though.

Wilford noticed him running, though and thinking it odd, he decided to tag behind him, leaving throwing toilet paper to Yancy and the gang.

Dark bolted outside and was frantically searching for something but it was only until Dark had that panic in his eyes that Wilford KNEW.

"Dammit, we're so fucked" Dark cursed to himself.

"Hey what's the hullabuloo about here Darky!?"

"GUH! Fucking . . Hello Wilford" Dark quickly straightened his tie and tried to smooth his hair even though it was useless, "Nothing's going on. Why would you assume something's going on?"

Wilford crinkled his mustache with a grin, "I saw you acting crazy. And believe me, my fine fellow. . . I KNOW crazy"

Dark grit his teeth, "Look . . ..  If I tell you, you have to SWEAR not to tell Mark or the others. Alright?"

"My lips are sealed" Wilford pretended to zip his lips and fixed his afro a bit, "So?"

Dark checked to see if anyone else was around and grabbed Wil's wrist, tugging him behind the house more.

"Ooooo! What's happening? Something's for SURE gotten you riled!"

"Sh!" Dark hushed him and once they were firmly out of sight or hearing from anyone, he finally gave in, "Dark Chica's missing"

Wilford nodded, "Uh-huh. . . . ."



"Dark Chica is MISSING!"

". . . . . ." Wilford hissed a little, "Ooo . . . . that's not good. .. . is it?"

"No, it's not good! We're all FUCKED if Mark finds out or if she. .  well, you know. . . kills someone"

Wilford laughed, "Pft! I'm sure she wouldn't . . .  although there WAS that one time" he stopped in thought, "Hm. . .  maybe we should look for her?"

"You THINK!?"

"Hey now, hey" he swished his hand around, "No need to get huffy. We'll find her Mr. Serious!"

Dark felt one of his eyes twitch.

"Let's go then, shall we!?" he went to storm off but Dark stopped him.

"Wait! I don't know where she went. We'd just be looking around aimlessly"

"Maybe we should ask the adventure man for assistance? OOO! Or the detective! I haven't seen my old friend in so LONG!"

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now