Not Your Perfect Villain

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They were all arguing. Pitifully of course.

They didn't know what to do.

None of them understood the gravity of the situation.

Darkiplier, the strongest of the Iplier egos had just been kidnapped by the man Anti had been working with this entire time. 


Anti didn't completely understand Actor's motives but now it was clear all Actor wanted was a rival. A grand show to shock everyone with, proving how much he is 'needed'. As a hero . . . and he'd take his enemy (Dark) out to gain all the attention.

How petty.

Anti had to admit he was far worse than Jackie. A hero wouldn't do what he was doing, right?

And yet as Anti watched the crystal ball with everyone else, he grew angrier and angrier with DARK.

Why wasn't he fighting back?! Did he WANT Actor to kill him!?!

He didn't understand it. He'd die if he didn't start fighting back soon.

"I CAN'T JUST STAND HERE AND DO NOTHING!" Mark shouted, "Magician! Get me there NOW! I'll settle this once and for all myself!"

Marvin shook his head, "I'm sorry but I can't. I don't even know where this is. I don't think my powers can do anything against .  . .  wherever they are. I'm . . . I'm afraid we can't help him"

"Oh bullocks!" Wilford slapped his own leg, "Well I'll just go and get Darky myself then!"

Suddenly Wilford was gone only to pop back up in another room, "WELL HE'S NOT IN HERE!"

"Goddammit" Mark growled under his breathe. He was glad at least neither Amy not Ethan had to see any of this.

"The void . . . it's in my head. It's where everything was . .. created. Doesn't that knowledge make things easier?"

Marvin looked even more upset, "That makes it even worse. . . . You can't go somewhere within yourself. And a Septic can't go either." he vaguely looked over at Anti but didn't say anything, "Dark's just gonna have to find the way out himself. There's nothing we ca-"

"DON'T SAY THAT!" everyone was shocked to hear Eric yell. The shy boy shuddered, tears streaked down his face. He could barely take seeing Dark like this, "We can't just give up! There's gotta be something we can do!"

"Yeah!" Yandere agreed, "SOMETHING"

The other Ipliers didn't seem as positive, though. They were too brought down by what was happening.

Sean put his hand on Mark's shoulder but he was anything but comforted. 

Mark glared over at Anti, "This is all your fault"

Anti chuckled and stuck out his tongue, "You wish! I actually had nothing to do with THIS!"

"Shut up or I'll take my hat back" Chase threatened.

Anti growled and pouted, "No. It's mine now. Fuck off"

"You little fucking asshole-"

Anti just snickered like a hyena but on the inside, he was just as confused and angry as all of them.

Dark wobbled onto his back and groaned as Actor stood over him with his foot on his chest, "DO IT! SNAP ALREADY, DAMMIT! FUCKING FIGHT ME!"

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now