Do We Have A Deal?

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Darkiplier stared.

He honestly wasn't sure what the hell was going on anymore. Was this a nightmare? Was the whole storm just fabricated in his mind and Anti really wasn't there?

But the glitch grinned wide, baring his teeth as if he'd take a bite out of someone. Maybe even him.

Dark sensed a feeling inside of himself that told him to run but he couldn't just leave Dark Chica behind. And he'd be too slow with her in his arms.

Antisepticeye glitched, the sound of static filling the air along with his strange laughter like a child giggling.

"Looks like the jig is up! H̷a̶h̴a̶h̴a̴h̴a̸h̴a̶h̴!"

Dark tensed, waiting for the other to attack but he didn't.

Anti cracked his neck and back, "Oooo! If only you knew how AGONIZING it was to act like that moron! Hheheheh"

"A. . . .Antisepticeye?" Dark was still processing.

The other stopped moving and glitching for a moment, blinking at him with a deadpan stare, "Seriously? You must be REALLY fucked up to not recognize me! Or do you not really believe I'm here!? Hm!?"

Suddenly Anti glitched just inches away from him. Dark flinched, keeping Dark Chica behind him. The dog didn't have a problem with it, honestly but on the other hand, she didn't seem bothered, either.

"Wh-what do you want? Why are you here?" he finally asked him.

Anti smiled wide again, "Hehehe . . . . . . What do I want? Hm . . ." he paced back and forth, still staying close to Dark, "I don't think I wanna say just yet, bud"

Dark felt annoyance and snarled a little, "If you're here to try and kill me-"

"Nope! Not that this time!" Anti stopped pacing and stared at the dog behind him.

Dark felt protective of his girl and blocked his view of her. It only served to make Anti smirk.

"Where's Chase? Did you kill him?"

"Now THERE'S a good question! No. I didn't." The answer was simple and yet  . .. very unsatisfying.

Dark and Anti just stared at each other for a few moments.

'Now this is awkward' Dark thought to himself, 'But what does he want? Why poise as Chase all this time? Fucking hell, I told him so MUCH!'

Anti slowly smiled again creepily, almost as if he knew what he was thinking, "The storm really wasn't planned . . . you weren't supposed to find out just yet"

As if on que, another bolt of lightning snapped in the sky nearby, making Anti glitch uncontrollably again.

He looked to almost be in pain but the way he smiled said he liked it.

The cut on his throat started to bleed and Dark grimaced. He always found blood to be disgusting.

Anti hummed to himself for a moment, "Hm Hmmmm H̶m̶ ̶H̴m̸m̷m̵ ̸.̸ ̵.̵ ̷.̸ ̵.̴ ̶.̴ ̴.̶ ̸H̸e̵h̴e̴h̶e̷h̶ ̶.̵ ̵.  He's not going to be happy that the plan's changed"

That caught Dark's attention, "He? Who's 'HE'?"

"Oops!" Anti covered his mouth in mock shame, "I was never good with keeping my mouth shut!" he gripped his own throat, covering his hands in his own blood, "Oh woe is me! I'm such a naughty boy! Heheheh"

Anti unconsciously played with his neck wound, causing it to bleed a bit more, looking at his other hand that was coated with the substance.

Dark shook his head, trying to snap out of the fucking weird trance he was in just watching him, "Wh . . . What the fuck are you doing here!? What do you want from me!?"

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now