Guilt Comes Crashing

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Dark turned and set his red eyes ahead of him.

On Mark.

Immediately, everyone could feel the change in him but didn't know how to react. No one really knew what to do in this situation.

Dark had always been the calm and collected one. The most sane out of ALL of them besides Eric!

Even Dark Chica was now growling at him . . .

"D-dark?" Mark tried to reach him again, "Dark, what's going on? You need to calm down. You need to-"

But Dark was through with being told what to do. He belted out a wave of the black aura surrounding him, causing a pitch darkness to surround the backyard. It was like they were all in . . .a void.

Through with messing around, Dark lunged towards Mark, ignoring Amy beside him but before he could attack, he felt something wrap around his middle.

Dark slipped out of whatever it was, seeing it was a whip.

Illinois tried to get through to him, "Dark, please! You need to-"

Dark grabbed the whip and tugged the adventurer forwards, "Gah!"

He was about to punch him when Magnum pulled his friend back.

Dark once again tried to go for Mark but Yandere and Yancy got in his way. The Iplier merely waved his hands, though, causing them to fly backwards out of his way.

"You" Dark was so angry. He couldn't even put his thoughts together right. Nothing made sense except to make Mark HURT.

Mark knew he was in trouble if he didn't do something. There wasn't anything else he could do, "Okay Google! Bing!"

Google's eyes turned red, ready for orders and Bing's turned a bright yellow.

Mark regretted what he was about to do but there wasn't any other choice, "Take Dark down!"

Having their orders, the two androids raced towards Dark. Google grabbing around his neck and Bing holding his arms down around his waist. They were strong and Dark actually buckled under their force.

But they weren't a match for his power.

"RrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAaaaahhh!!" his aura blasted them both back, putting them down for the count.

Ethan, Bob, Wade and Tyler kept their distance but they were just as worried as everyone else. What could they do against Dark, though but watch?

With no one to stop him now, Dark ran towards Mark once again, ignoring Amy's calls for him to stop.

Mark ended up shoving her away so she wouldn't get hurt.

So many people were screaming for him to stop but he was deaf to them all.

He only had one goal in mind.

And all Mark could think of . . .. 

'Amy and Chica will be okay. He's only after me. I should have talked to him more. I should have told him the truth! I shouldn't have kept him out of everything! He never deserved it! I'm sorry, Dark! I'm sorry! I fucked up! I fucked everything up and I'm so fucking sorry!'

"I'm sorry, Dark" he whispered.

Dark had his cane in hand, ready to bash his head in.


And suddenly just like that, he was gone.

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