You Are What You Make Of Yourself

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Dark surged towards Actor with all he had.

But he was ready and went on the defense. He had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. Actor didn't care how others saw him so long as he thought himself as the hero, taking down the so called villain on HIS terms.

Dark and Actor locked fists, the power of the void rushing through the both of them.

The booming power everyone felt had them stunned but Mark seemed to be one of the first to shake out of it, "Amy! Sean! Help me get the others to a more safe location! We don't know what Actor will be willing to do to win"

"Got it" Amy nodded.

Sean was still on the ground with Anti, silently hoping it was just a joke. That the glitch would just open his eyes and wake back up. It was just a joke. Anti LOVED jokes . . . .

Mark tapped his shoulder, "Sean, come on. Jackie, can you carry Anti? We need to move out of here"

Jackie was almost just as blank as Sean but bit his lip to make himself move, "Y-yeah . . . got it"

Chase made sure the cap stayed on Anti's head as Jackie picked him up and Henrik helped him get Sean up and moving. Marvin wanted to stay just in case he could do something to help but in the back of his mind, he knew there was nothing he could do. This was Dark and Actor's fight.

Only Dark had a chance against him now.

Jameson steered him and Wilford away, following Mark and Amy a ways away towards the other side of the street and the Iplier egos helped each other move, too. Although they were worried for Dark, they knew their presence there would only distract him.

"YOU GOT THIS DARK! KICK HIS ASS!" Yandere shouted.

"Y-yeah!" Eric stuttered nervously.

"SHIV 'IM!" Yancy joined in.

"YEAH!" Cried Wilford, ". .. . .  What's going on, again?"

Jameson kept moving him along.

Dark's eyes went black, staring right into Actor's rotten soul.

Actor stared right back, "Look at you . . . . so eager to kill me now. You've really stepped into the villain role, haven't you?"

Dark shoved him off and the aura around him snapped and lashed, "Shut up. I can't FUCKING stand your voice!"

He laughed, "Oh sad for you! You think I care!? I'll cut you down just like I did Damien and Celine! And you . . . I'll rip you apart and their manipulation and evil will be gone forever!"

"You just don't get it, do you?" Dark held his hand out and his cane materialized in his hand, "You're NOT the hero"

Distracting him with his words, Dark slammed the jeweled end of the cane into Actor's arm. The man grunted but didn't seem to care, "YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING!"

"I'M not gonna make myself out as the hero, either!" Dark countered, "That's not who I am!" he used the cane as a sword, hitting Actor with it every chance he got.

"Augh!" Actor caught the cane in his hand, "You don't WHAT you are! That's why I'm here to tell you!"

"FUCK YOU!" Dark head butt him hard, knocking Actor down on his ass for a moment.

"Aaaaaggh! Fucker. . . MY FACE!" He noticed a little blood dripping down from his forehead and it angered him further, "How DARE you tarnish THIS!" He motioned to his whole face, "This was my money maker, you fiend!"

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now