It's In His Eyes

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Dark wasn't happy in the kitchen. 

Don't get him wrong, he liked Any well enough but he'd prefer to have some sort of bigger part in helping the others.

But Amy was good at cheering him up, you see. They ordered the pizza for lunch but she said she also wanted to do some sort of dessert that everyone could share (and not die from allergies). So they started to make chocolate chip cookies and since they were the only ones in the kitchen, they got to eat whatever they wanted and the others would never know!

Amy munched on a warm cookie smiling at Dark who was stuffing his face, "Someone's stress-eating."

Dark stopped himself, mildly embarrassed, " I-uh-"

She waved her hand at him, "Hey, no, don't worry about it! I do it sometimes, too! That's why I have the Ring-fit in the living room" she giggled.

Dark chuckled at her humor but didn't reply.

Amy knew something was really bothering him though. She hadn't been around him that much since they ALL were more or less in Mark's head but since their stay out in the open for so long, she could see the similarities between the two.

"So what's eating YOU?"

Dark just shrugged, "Nothing. I'm fine"

"You know I can tell you're lying. If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine but don't lie, Dark. I have a pet peeve about that"

She was a little intimidating, he'll give her that. No wonder Mark loved her so much.

Dark smirked slightly, "Sorry . . . . It's just. . ." his smirk fell with a sigh, "It's been a little more than stressful lately."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Unfortunately, I can't"

"Why not? You don't think I'd understand or-?"

Dark leaned on the counter, going back to nibbling on his cookie, "No . . . . Really, I don't know what anyone OR myself can do . . . . I feel like a puppet being toyed around with"

Amy gave him a sympathetic expression, "I'm sorry . . . Have you tried talking to Mark about it?"

He huffed, "So he can just yell at me and tell me I don't know anything and that I'm evil so I don't NEED to know anything?"

Amy's eyes hardened and she looked like she had to take a breathe to keep from freaking out, "What? When did this happen?"

"The other day. It's fine, though. He apologized but something in me keeps telling me he's right. I don't want to accept it but every day something new happens to me that changes everything I thought I knew about myself"

He had no idea WHY it was so easy to talk to Amy. Perhaps it was because of her and Mark's link to each other that helped. He didn't want to say so much but he couldn't help himself.

Amy seemed a little distraught like she didn't know what to do or say to make him feel better but she was gonna try, "Dark . . . . I-"

But right before she could, the door bell rang!

Dark took his chance to get away from the awkward moment, "I'll go get it. Probably the pizza"

Amy watched him go but she knew she couldn't just let this problem go. She had to talk to Mark again.

After lunch, the chaos begins again but this time, they're ready for filming.

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now