Nanny Dark

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Dark Chica was excited to see Darkiplier so soon again.

As soon as Dark opened the shed, she had pounced on him giving him all the love in her soul.

And then he proceeded to do something he would have NEVER been able to do before.

He let her in the house.

Since it was only them there for now, no one else was in danger of her so he could do whatever the hell he wanted, really. He let her run around, lay on the furniture, clamber in the other's rooms and he even let her steal one of King's peanut butter sandwiches that he had left in the fridge.

He had a lot of time on his hands, after all, trying to gather everyone's things together that they'd definitely need.

What did everyone need that they didn't have in the real world, you ask?

Dr. Iplier had his special neck pillow he needed, King loved his wooden squirrel toy he made, Eric needed his special decorated handkerchiefs,  Wilford needed his afro, Bim wanted his mock microphone, the Jims forgot their script and they needed THAT one because they had written so many notes on it!

"Let's see. . ." Dark spoke to himself with Dark Chica to listen, "And Captain Magnum said he wanted his beard trimmer and special earrings . . . Google wanted his hammer and Yan wanted their machete. . . well those two aren't happening, are they?"

Dark Chica wagged her tail.

The man chuckled, "Bing forgot his skateboard and Host needs his quill for . . . well he didn't explain why. Yancy needs his  . . his Teddy bear? Hm. Didn't even know he had one" he was reading off the list that the group had given him, "And Illinois wants his whip that he forgot. I suppose. He never uses it for nefarious reasons. And I think that's it!"


"Hm? What's wrong, girl?"

Suddenly Dark Chica ran off. Dark was confused but before he could run after her to follow, she came trotting back with a long stick in her mouth with a jewel on the end-

"Oh! The cane! Yes, I forgot! Thank you, girl" he reached down to take it from her and pet her head, her black eyes looking up at him so full of love.

"Love you, girl. You're too good for me. Now let's take off, shall we? Should be pretty late by now and everyone'll be in bed. Shouldn't have any problems getting you into the basement before you can attack anyone"

"BARK!" She protested and whined but Dark pointed his finger at her.

"Hey now, we both know what you're like."

She huffed indignantly at his words and left with him.

Dark woke up in the basement that morning. Before leaving for the house to get everyone's things, he had gotten help from Mark in dragging down a bed for him in the basement.

Everyone was sort of confused as to why he'd sleep down there of all places until they were reminded of Dark Chica.

And now he was waking up in the bed feeling just as tired as when he had gone to sleep with a giant fluffball sleeping on top of him, her head on his chest.

But Dark couldn't help but smile, knowing his best friend was there. He was grateful to Mark for this at least.

It was almost comfortable enough that he could go back to sleep.

Except. . . .

He started hearing clanging, banging and yelling upstairs.

He groaned and sighed to himself, "Sorry, girl. Looks like I have to get to work"

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now