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"You can't deny what you really are"

He couldn't see anything again. It was pitch black and the ringing in his ears was back just like in all of his nightmares.

"You can't fight it"

Dark didn't know what was happening but he hated it. Who was this person to tell him this?

"You're the perfect villain for me"

He wanted to scream at him and argue but he couldn't. It was like his mouth was latched shut by force.

"You know what you are. . . .you can feel it"

Dark tried desperately to stop the ringing, holding his hands over his ears but nothing seemed to work.

"And sooner or later you'll see it for yourself, too"

Dark shot up in his bed, his heart pounding.

It was all the same. Every time. 

But for some reason it always seemed to bother him no matter what he kept telling himself.

He didn't know who was telling him all these things but he couldn't let it get to him.

'Maybe it's just my subconscious screaming ten-fold about what Mark said before.' he thought, 'It's always a possibility. I've always known he made me up to be the bad guy. Maybe I should talk to Dr. Iplier about it'

Dark Chica was laying at his side. She had been laying by the bed but she must have sensed his nightmares and came to lay by him, instead.

He pet his fur-baby and got up, rolling his shoulders as he did so, feeling his bones crack.

'Need some coffee, first. Feel like was run over by a train'


Dark had just opened the basement door to see Wilford standing there. It was almost as if he had been waiting for him.

He wasn't surprised, though, "Yes, Wil. A train. Anyway, how was your night?"

Wilford watched as Dark locked up the basement. He was no longer too worried about letting Dark Chica out but he thought it best to keep the door locked just in case. Mark also had him block the basement window. Even though it was adorable the way Dark Chica got along with the other dogs so well, they couldn't risk her getting out and accidentally hurting a stranger on the streets.

Wilford nodded, "I don't know! You know, I'm not really sure I ever sleep anymore! I'm always on the go! You thirsty!? Let's go get some coffee!"

Thus, the man dragged him off to the kitchen.

It was a quiet morning, astonishingly. It seemed that the Iplier egos had used up too much of their energy since they came into the real world. Usually they wouldn't feel as tired so quickly in Mark's head but being physical beings for so long seemed to take a toll on everyone.

Even Yandere looked beat but then again, they probably had been up all night researching their senpai.

And Google and Bing looked run down, too. Google didn't even have the energy to shove the other android out of his seat away from him.

It was a nice surprise, actually, in comparison how all his other mornings usually are.

"When's Mark coming over today?" Yancy asked uncharacteristically in a normal voice.

Dark shrugged, "Whenever he wants to"

"Fair enough" the jailbird hummed, " . . . hey I has a question fer you too, Dark" his voice started coming back.

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now