Slowly Raising the Curtain

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In his eyes . . .  .

Darkiplier saw something he felt he shouldn't have.

It crawled up his spine.

He took a step back submissively.

What was this feeling? 

This danger he felt?

Why was his only response to flee?

But as soon as he saw it, it vanished and Mark was staring at him concerned.

"Uh . . Dark, you okay?"

Dark blinked, seeing those familiar brown eyes, his creator coming closer. 

He took another step away from him.

"Dark?" but just when the other was about to write it off as his wild imagination and sleep deprivation, Mark smirked at him, "Is Celine still sleeping?"

Dark flinched, looking around to see if anyone else was listening but it didn't seem so. They were all engulfed in their own things.

'Mark' chuckled lightly, "Almost ready . . . . Not quite yet."

But Dark somewhat understood, ". . .Actor?"

There was a glint in his eyes, anger radiating off of him but he glanced towards Anti and back to Dark, whispering to him so no one else could hear.

"Unfortunate that you know so soon . . . . . You know, you should really consider asking him. Never know how much time is left"

Dark wrinkled his nose, "What do you fucking want from me? I don't wanna fight you-"

He snarled, "Fuck off with that. You don't have a choice. The sooner you realize that, the better. But it WOULD be best for you to ask him before that time comes"

"Wh. . . ask who what?"

Actor growled low, "Ask Mark . . . . .  about your birth . . . . I'm sure you realize he's hiding the truth from you. Don't you want to know why those dreams plague you every night?"

"How did you-"

"Ask . . . Or you'll die without knowing." he gave a sick grin, "See you later." he glanced at Dark's cane, "That will be mine . . . " he moved his gaze then to Dark Chica, "And so will the mutt. . ." he glared back to Dark, "And you'll give me exactly what I've been itching for all these years."

Before Dark could ask anything more, Mark's eyes flashed and he seemed confused, "Hm? Wh. . . Hi, Dark. Sorry, what were we talking about? I think I blanked out. Been doing that a lot lately, I guess"

Dark swallowed. He wasn't sure what to do. Should he just tell him now?

No, he didn't want to make a scene here.

Maybe later.

Then again maybe later would come to bite him in the ass.

But he couldn't bring himself to say anything to him about it, "Uh . . . it's nothing. . . . Don't ..  worry about it"

Before Mark could respond, Dark bolted away from him, "I'm gonna go back to the mansion. Not feeling good."

The others didn't know why Dark was briskly walking out of the yard by himself but some seemed to think it might have been Mark's fault.

"Hey now, what'd ya say to him, Markimoo?!" Wilford was concerned as to why his friend left so suddenly.

"Yeah!" Yandere popped up, slashing their sword around, "Why's he getta leave early!?"

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now