Second Thoughts

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"Well, you see . . ." Mark was hinting that there was bad news and Dark was in fear.

What else could he possibly have to drop on them all?

Why was he trying to butter him up by saying Dark Chica could be let out!?

"You won't have to worry about being in the video, Dark"

'What? Why?' he narrowed his eyes thinking to himself.

"I'm gonna be playing your part!"


Even Wilford was was quiet, holding his hand up to his mouth in in shock.

For a moment, Dark was actually heartbroken and he felt something in his chest and throat swell like a balloon ready to burst.

And then he remembered what Mark  had also said and had the need to slightly protest, "But. . .but wait. How will you do a scene with Dark Chica if I'm  . . not a part of it?"

Mark shrugged, "Well, as long as you're there, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Dark doubted Mark's idea but out of spite and wanting his dog there with him, he agreed, "Uh . . yeah. Yeah, she should be fine"

"W-wait" Eric had his handkerchief out wringing it nervously, "Wh-why did y-you call Dark over too, though? I mean. . that is uh . . if you're just gonna act like him? Wh-why not let him play his own p-part?" he looked ready to die in that instant.

Mark was about to reply to him when another Iplier stood to his defense, "YEAH!" cried out Yandere, "Seems like bullshit to me!"

Yancy nodded, "Yeah, for ones, youse not as . . . uh . ..  'emo' as him"

"Or intimidating" Bim added.

Wilford nodded, seeming to agree with his fellow egos on those two counts.

Dark couldn't decide if he was flattered or annoyed and put his hands up in defense, "It's alright, guys. I'm sure Mark has a good reason as to why."

Mark shrugged a shoulder again. He was surprised so many of the other egos came to his defense on the situation but it didn't appear as if he'd change his mind, either, "Well . . ..  I actually kind of just really wanted Dark Chica in a shot and I know you can control her pretty well but you'd have to be with her all the time."

Dark nodded at the shit excuse, "I see . . .  And I can't be in a scene away from her because she could attack someone if unguarded . . . . right. I uh . .I see your point, Mark"

He really wanted to argue but couldn't find it in him to. If he did, he might just get sent back alone into Mark's mind with only Dark Chica as company for however long they'd film.

And he was the leader of the group, right? He had to take charge somehow and appear respectful of their creator's decision.


Amy saw the look in Dark's eyes but couldn't say anything right now. She knew he was trying to put of some sort of a brave front right now and didn't want to embarrass him. 

Mark didn't see it, though and just smiled, "Coolio! Let's get you all in the manor, then and settled in, huh? Dark, since you'll be going back later tonight, I assume you'd probably bring along any other items any of the other egos need?"

". . . . right" what was he now, the nanny!?

But the subject was dropped quickly as Mark led them all into the manor. For some it was their first time seeing it and they awed at the décor and personality of the place.

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now