Something's Not Right

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Another day, another living hell.

Several days had passed since that first strange nightmare Darkiplier had and now every day since, he kept having more weird and similar dreams.

But last night was the last straw. Dreaming of Celine had done it for him. It brought pain to his heart when she kept screaming at him to give her life back. 

That and he had begun sleep-walking since the first nightmare, too. He had never done that before.

So he finally relented.

It was time to go to the Doctor.

And now Dark was sitting in Edward's room with him, just having finished telling him all about what had happened the last few days.

"Sounds like you're stressed" he came up with.

Dark glared at him, "Oh really? I wonder what gave you THAT idea!"

"I'm serious. With everything going on, it's not surprising." The doctor glanced at his notes that he took of Dark's words, "You said you keep seeing another version of you and this . . . Celine?"

"Y-yeah . . . You know . . from those other videos?"

He nodded, "Yes. 'Who Killed Markiplier' and 'Damien'. I'm aware. And YOU should be aware that this other version of you might just be Damien"

"Damien? The Mayor? I don't know. I've never met him. I mean . ." Dark gestured to himself, "Isn't he just . . me, now? Isn't that what happened?"

The doctor shrugged, "And if the videos are anything to go by, haven't you never met Celine, either? She's-"

"She's sleeping" Dark interrupted him, "At least . . . ..  that's what I feel . . I think"

"Hm" Edward hummed, "It seems like your past has come to haunt you, Dark"

"How can a past I don't remember haunt me? Yeah, I see the videos but Mark told me before that not all of it plays to exactly what actually happened"

Dr. Iplier narrowed his eyes now, "I'm confused, I guess. The videos are supposed to be exact to every ego's history, though. How can yours be different?"

"I don't know"

"Perhaps this is what's been bothering you subconsciously? Maybe you're being blocked by what happened in the past you don't remember. It's keeping you from living. And perhaps living here is what triggered it all. . . . "

Dark nodded, 'Maybe I need to talk to Mark about it. If it's this serious, then-'

"Either all of that or you're dying"

Dark glared at Edward but the man kept a straight face, merely shrugging when his joke wasn't well-received.

". . .  I'm gonna go find Mark" Dark stood from his seat and left.

"Tell me how it goes! I'd love to talk to you about all this weird shit again!"

Dark ignored him. He was on an important mission at the moment. If Dr. Iplier was right and his nightmares did in fact have something to do with his past, he had to figure it out NOW. What was it that he was missing? Did something else happen that Mark wasn't telling him?

'Whatever the case . . .something's not right'

Mark was were he usually was when he was visiting the egos there. In the study room. Actually, Mark had been spending a lot of time in there more recently. Perhaps it was the ideal place to think about the video?

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now