Antisepticeye! Here to Confuse Everyone!

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Anti giggled and smirked, pulling out something else from behind him, "Managed to snag this, too"

Actor snorted but found a little amusement in it, "To answer your question, Antisepticeye . . . . does it even matter?" he chuckled humorlessly, "I never needed you . . . obviously. You've only disappointed me again and again!" he suddenly shouted, "Tell me WHY I should keep my end, Glitch-bitch!"

Chase hissed, "Oooo . . . not a good move on his part"

"Yeah" Jackie nodded.

"I can feel the sparking here as we speak" Marvin joined in.

Mark didn't understand, "What are you guys talking about?"

Sean leaned in to whisper to him, "Anti REALLY doesn't like that name"

"He's so dramatic about it" Henrik rolled his eyes.

'VERY' Jameson nodded.

"Usually he'd just maul whoever said it though" Chase noted, "I think he's grown up a bit in that regard"

Marvin rolled his eyes, "SURE he has"

Anti twitched but his smile grew and he started giggling more. . . laughing until he was full on roaring with it.


"Fucking LEAVE, DAMMIT!" Actor already had enough of him.

Anti wiped a tear from his eye and twirled around Dark's cane along with his own knife. It was almost mesmerizing.

"Why don't you fight him back, Darky?" he suddenly asked seriously. 

His mood swings would have started to freak him out if he hadn't already went through them several times before.

But Actor didn't yell at him again. Really, he'd like to know the answer, too. But it was simple to Dark.

"I  . . .I don't want to fight." he shook his head, "I don't want to be what he wants"

Anti leaned on the cane and examined his knife as if he weren't paying attention, "And you'll go as far as to let him kill you?"

"I know it seems foolish-"

"̴D̸A̶M̵N̵ ̴F̸U̴C̶K̸I̵N̴G̷ ̴R̴I̶G̸H̶T̸,̸ ̶D̵U̵M̵B̴A̶S̵S̶!̸"̴ Anti screamed at him, "You're a fucking idiot! What do you think he's gonna do when he's done killing you!? Huh!? He's gonna go back to the egos and Mark, kill Mark and take control of them all like his own family puppet show!"

"As if it's any different than what YOU would do" Actor huffed.

Anti didn't argue but he really wanted to understand Dark's motives, "You're really going to let him kill Mark? Probably kill Amy too? Or better yet, he'd probably get in her head and force her to believe HE'S the real Mark just to get some action pretending she's Celine. He'll play pretend to the very end, claim all the glory and attention for himself and it'll be like you never existed"

Dark didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to even imagine it, "Amy and Mark's friends wouldn't . .. the egos-"

"You're really gonna underestimate what this sick fuck will do to get what he wants?"

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