Rest in Peace

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Mark was just as confused as ever. The last thing he expected was for Dark to take off with Anti's dead body like that. 

Dark was never so disrespectful before unless  . . . 

He must have a good reason, right?

"Mark!" Sean shoved him, "Tell Dark to come back here right now and-"

"Sean, I'm sorry" Mark held his hands up defensively, "But I can't bring him back or talk to him, I'm sorry, man"


"I-I know . . " Mark couldn't stop replaying the memory in his head. The entire thing had just been so surreal.

He had never seen someone die right in front of him before.

Obviously neither had Sean but he felt his heart was even more so in pain.

His friend tugged at his own hair, "I just. . .  wanted to do ONE thing for him to  . . to thank him"

Chase nodded and pat Sean's shoulder to try and comfort him, "He deserved to be buried. With everyone sending him off. This isn't right, Mark"

But he didn't know what to do, "I'm sorry! I can't . . I  . "

Amy handed Sean a cup of hot tea, "Sip on this some. It'll help. And I'm sure Dark will be right back. Maybe he's trying something?"

Dark Chica whined, scratching lightly at Mark's pants. The poor girl had a long and exhausting day.

Mark pat her head, "It's okay girl. Your dad will be back soon. . . I hope"

"I'm almost positive, myself" Dr. Iplier put his input in, "Dark's not the kind to do something without purpose."

"Sure Darkipoo's gonna be right back! Probably picking out flowers and everything for Anti's fake funeral party! HAHA!"

Bim pinched the bridge of his nose, "Dammit, Wil"

Marvin seethed, "Well he better return soon or else"

"I didn't even get to time his death" Henrik pouted only for Jackie to elbow him to shut him up.

Dark held Anti's body in his arms.

He breathed in the cool and crisp air. It was officially Spring now in his once ice cold void. Flowers and rich grass blooming in the fields, the nearby lake's small waves washing up against the shore. He could hear it from the cabin.

"You did good, Anti." he looked down on him still so unmoving. He was starting to get cold, too, "It's time for you to rest"

He set Anti down on a nice soft spot in the grass and flowers. It was so strange to see him so peaceful. The once erratic and crazed ego so infatuated with his own blood now laying dead in a bed of flowers.

He had changed so much. Done so much than even he realized for Dark's family. For everyone.

He made the ultimate sacrifice.

No matter any of his cross words and threats, none of it ever mattered. All Anti ever wanted was to feel needed.

Just like Dark.

It's what he had been missing for so long, thinking Mark only wanted him around to act like the big bad Darkiplier that would eventually kill him.

Dark never felt needed as a part of the family even if he was basically the nanny of everyone. Always taking care of them and making sure no one got hurt. He had a few people on his side at least.

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