Maybe He's Not So Bad?

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Anti didn't actually know the entire plan. But he was good at bluffing.

Ever since he had come to the mansion, he just did whatever his partner in crime asked of him. And in return, he promised a decent prize for him.

'Better be worth it' he thought here and there.

Every second spending time around the fools was another second he could be planning his OWN revenge. But his partner told him he'd have his help and no matter what Anti thought, he had to admit, he'd want it. He couldn't take on all the Septic egos by himself. Perhaps that was what his prize would be?

Anti stared over at Dark and his dog, seeing that they had both finally fallen asleep.

'Seems there won't be nightmares tonight. Wonder what all that's about. Something about a Damien  . . . it obviously pains him. I wonder if he really doesn't remember that part of his past. .'

Dark suddenly started to lightly snore and Anti snorted, 'Haven't seen him sleep this good the entire time I've been here.  . . . Curious as to why he'd be so comfortable NOW knowing who I really am. Maybe it's HIS doing, though'

Whatever the case, Anti kept telling himself he didn't care. However, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

He had always been curious about Darkiplier. The last time they had met, they were supposed to film together that stupid video.

'I fucking told that bastard Sean, I didn't want to do any stupid bits with him and his stupid friends. He didn't want to listen so I threatened them all so I could go back home.'

He remembered Dark trying to act all tough about it but Anti could tell better than anyone that the 'evil' Iplier was worried . .. and timid.

'So curious to see he's changed so much. Perhaps he's facing something similar. At his breaking point. Hopefully that'll be soon and this whole thing will be over'

He was supposed to observe Dark.

Although, seeing him the way he was earlier . . . .. 

It worried even him.

'He wasn't about to stop for anyone. I had never seen him so angry since I've been here. And the mess he made in here beforehand . . . . what is Actor up to? Does he want all the Ipliers dead? Does he want Dark dead? If that was the case, I could just kill him now. I know he wants revenge, though. He wants to do it himself. But WHY does he want revenge? Not that the twat would ever tell me'

As the storm finally passed overhead, Anti tried to force down his yawn but couldn't help himself.

He unconsciously wiped off where Dark Chica had kissed him on the cheek, 'He's lucky I like animals . . . . I wonder why he wants her a part of this plan so bad. To hurt Dark? Whatever, I should stop speculating. It's not my business.'

He laid his head back down on the pillow, watching his two targets from afar before finally falling asleep.

Suddenly he was being shaken awake aggressively!

"GAH! What the fook!?!" 

Dark was over him with an angry look on his face.

Honestly it was pretty intimidating this early in the morning.

The Iplier ego growled deeply at him, "ARE YOU GIVING ME THESE NIGHTMARES!?"

Anti (Disguised as Chase at the moment) just stared up at him equally as confused, "What?"

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now