The Real Hero

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After Amy had pulled up to the house, another car was right behind hers.

They were curious about everyone outside but soon got their answer when part of the house blew up with Anti and some Iplier ego clashing it out.

"Nope" Felix shook his head, "Not about that . . . nu-uh. I'll come back later" he turned around before anyone noticed he was even there and drove off.

"See ya later bros"

Dark slammed his fist into the ice, not surprised it wouldn't crack even a little. One, he was still hurt and two, the ice seemed to be extremely thick. There was just the hole in the middle of the lake that was free.

He stared into the still water, looking at his reflection again.

It was just him.

Why did expect anything different?

'Maybe. . I was just hoping . . . . I can't do this on my own. They'll all die and it'll be all my fault'

If he could sink on his knees any further, he would.

'Actor's gonna destroy them . . .'

Dark didn't want to imagine what it'd be like.

'Maybe I should just give up?'

'Maybe I should just let him win'

'He's stronger than I'll ever be'

'It'll just end in an even bigger mess if I'm there. He'll just taunt me with their blood on his hands. . .'

It was so quiet. Why did he expect anything different? Did he really think anyone would answer him?

Dark sighed heavily, slowly opening his eyes.

'. . . wait . . . .' squinting in the water, he swore maybe he saw something.

'What is that?'

A picture of sorts . . . moving.


There he was standing before Actor bleeding and juiced up ready to fight.

Why? Why was Anti really fighting Actor? What did he have to gain from it?

Was this even real?

But he could see the others, too.

Yeah, it was real.

The terrified looks on their faces. Their hopes withering.

Not even they thought Anti had much of a chance.

Would Anti kill them too though after he finished Actor?

Not that he'd be able to.

But there was something in Anti's eyes Dark could see that maybe others couldn't.


Something happened. Dark wasn't too sure what. What was with the way he was talking to Dark earlier, too? Did he really mean all of it?

Dark knew he did. And more.

Why was he second guessing himself?

But that was just how Dark was. He always second guessed himself. Always was the reserved and introverted one.

In the back of his mind, Dark knew that Anti was giving it his all.

Just like HE should be. . . . . .

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now