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The next day was starting to appear similar to the day before at Mark's. Dark wasn't in the best mindset.

He was stressed and worked-up. He didn't understand what his body and mind was going through and there had been nothing Eric could do to help him.

That night, honestly, Anti wanted to talk to him out of spite from what Actor had told him but kept his mouth shut just in case his partner happened to listen.

So instead, Anti was subjected to the aftermath that was Dark's nightmares and boy was it concerning. Dark often got up in the night and paced around in his sleep, moping on about someone named Celine and the name Damien came up again. Anti knew of the videos but there was something neither of them knew that Actor apparently did.

But currently Dark was staring off into space, his eyes extremely tired looking and seemingly extra pale. He kept thinking last night about what Actor had said.

'I don't know what to do. Should I really trust Mark to tell him anything? He's hiding something from me but who's to say he'd actually tell me the truth if I ask? Wouldn't he just write it off as me being nosey again?' he thought about involving Amy to try and get her to convince Mark in telling him but he respecting the girl too much to use her like that.

Speaking of poor Amy, Illinois was currently flirting with her.

"Illy! Stop that right now!" Dark shouted suddenly, his eyes going red, "No, she doesn't want to 'tango' with you, you whoring bastard!"

Illinois held up his hands defensively, "Sooooorrry!~ Didn't know I wasn't allowed to talk to the lady!"

"It's HOW you talk, you nimrod!" Dark's grip on his cane increased.

Amy  then stood up for herself, however, "Really, it's fine, Dark. I know he's just kidding"

". . . . sure I am"




"DARK! Keep your eye on Dark Chica!"

Dark's gaze was torn away towards Dark Chica chasing after a steak that Wade flailing around for a scene.


She almost didn't seem to want to listen.

It was a good thing Eric managed to swipe some peanut butter off of King, "H-here girl!"

And apparently peanut butter was better than steak because the beast of a dog turned right quick towards the timid ego, knocking him down and kissing him.

Dark sighed heavily and groaned to himself.

To make matters worse, Anti chuckled behind him and whispered, "Might want to keep an eye on your mutt, buddy"

"Fuck off, bitch"

"Oooo, someone's a peach today"

"I'm warning you. One more word and I'll tell everyone who you really are"

"And you're going to explain why you knew all this time and told no one HOW?"

He got him there.

"Yo, Chase!" Bing called for him towards the editing station, "Need a hand over here, bro!"

"Coming!" he called back sweetly before sprinting off.

Meanwhile, Dr. Iplier was helping pry off Dark Chica from Eric, noticing all the saliva on him, "I'm sorry Eric. I think you're dying"

What You Make Of Yourself: Darkiplier's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now