Everything Is So Confusing

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Wilford was waltzing around one of the halls by himself. He was stuck in a memory of when it was just him and Celine. They had galivanted their affair dangerously around Actor many times without him ever knowing.

Wilford remembered them as grand times with his seer lover. Not even Damien had known about the fling.

"Hm! Hm . .. hm" he hummed to himself softly, twirling around. He didn't care if some of the other egos were watching him curiously, he was in his own world.

Bim saw this on the daily, though and was beyond weirded out by it. He saw Wilford so often now, he should be proclaimed insane, himself. Even if he didn't understand why Wil was acting such a way sometimes, Bim would just go on to the next order of business.

"It's kind of romantic" Yandere watched him and Bim raised a brow at them curiously.


"Yeah, don't you know? He's dancing with someone"

"He's alone"

"To US, he is. Didn't you know? Wilford-"

"Wilford has had MANY secret lovers over the years. It'd be hard to put a pin in who he was actually thinking of"

"And yet he's done this more often while we've been HERE. He must remember someone specific"

"You think it's Celine?"

"Who's Celine?" Yancy came up from behind them. Yandere huffed at him.

"She was a seer. Damien's twin brother"

"Wasn't she also Actor Mark's wife at some point?" Bim asked.

"Yeah but we don't talk about that, remember?" Yan hushed him, "We're not allowed to talk about that wacko"

"Who?" Yancy was WAY out of the loop.

"What? Have you been living under a rock!?" Yan was losing their temper.

"Sorta!" Yancy snorted, "Imma jailbird! We don't hear about shit in da cell, kid!"

"Whatever" Yan went back to watching Wilford, "He was the guy in Mark's story that LIVED here. The house was haunted, he lost his mind and tried to kill himself yadda yadda"

"You shouldn't be talking about him" A new voice walked into the hall. They turned to see Google staring at them all with narrowed eyes.

"Yan was just explaining to Yancy is all. He hadn't heard of him" Bim let him know.

"Then so be it. It's best that new egos don't find out about him. Let him be dust. Unremembered. That is how Mark wished it." he gestured to Yancy, "Forget what they told you. . . . it is unimportant"

With that, Google walked away, snapping his fingers in front of Wil to jolt him out of his memory, leading him off downstairs.

Yancy snorted, "Kinda hard to forget about it NOW"

Suddenly Yandere felt something odd. Something in behind the walls. A power unfolding rapidly.

And by the looks of the others, they felt it, too.

"What was that?"

"I know I should apologize" Mark whined, "But I really don't know what to say that'll make anything better. I think I really messed up here, Amy"

On the other end of the line, his girlfriend sighed, "You HAVE to apologize, Mark. What came over you? You'd normally neer say anything so .. .. . mean"

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