23: With a Twist

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Exactly 2 months later. Enjoy.


-Y/N's Point of View-

I set down Tessa's food bowl, turning to face her as she stood in the kitchen doorway.

"Food's on, Tess!" I cheered. Tessa immediately charged towards the bowl and I jumped out of the way, not wanting to get knocked over. I laughed as she chowed down excitedly. I grabbed my tea off the counter and took a sip while walking towards the back door. I looked out the window, taking in the view of the sun just coming up. It sure was beautiful. I could get used to waking up early.

I took another sip of my tea as I scanned the backyard and felt arms slide around my waist. I smiled, falling back comfortably against the body behind me.

"How is my beautiful future wife doing?" Tom's voice whispered into my ear.

I giggled. "She's fine!"

"Only fine?" Tom pulled back and I turned to face him. He pulled me in by the hips, a goofy smile on his face as I slid my hands over his shoulders. "You're newly engaged and you're only fine!?"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I looked at the ring on my left hand. "I completely forgot!"

"I called you my future wife and you forgot!"

"That went completely over my head. I must have fallen hard..."

"What!? You fell!? When!?"

"Oh, just a few months ago after I met you and that precious little pup over there." I winked, gesturing to Tessa.

Tom's face immediately went from worried to relieved. "Jeez, you scared me!"

"I see you're just not going to acknowledge the fact that I just made a joke about falling for you!"

"Oh no, I caught it," Tom smiled and he pulled me in closer. "And I loved it." He leaned down and kissed me softly. "And I love y-"

I shot up from my bed, feeling hot and breathing fast. I looked around the room. Tessa was at the end of the bed and my sudden movement had her sitting up and alert.

Oh my gosh... it was just a dream...

I tried to slow my breathing down. Tessa still eyed me carefully.

"Sorry Tess... Weird dream... But you were in it, so that's cool." I spoke quietly. So was your dad... I thought to myself. Tessa cocked her head to the side before curling back down into her ball shape, her eyes still watching me. I smiled at her and reached over to my phone on the nightstand to check the time. Almost 8:30 a.m.

I knew I definitely wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Not after that... thing. I shook my head and got up from the bed, stretching my body out. I was definitely tense this morning. Would I be this tense if I didn't have that dream? Maybe. Life will do that to you.

I turned around to look at Tessa, whose little eyes followed me as she still watched. I walked over to the door.

"I know it's early, but do you wanna head out?" I asked her, as if she would understand. Tessa's smart. She knows what I'm talking about! She got up and stretched her body back before jumping off the bed and waiting patiently by the door.

"You gotta be quiet though. Harrison and Jacob are still sleeping!" I whispered, putting a finger up to my lip. Tessa stared at me and I half expected her to nod in agreement. I giggled and opened the door slowly. Tessa scurried out and she gently made her way through the hall and down the stairs. Hmm. Maybe she does understand me. I crossed the hallway to go to the restroom and quickly did my business, brushing my teeth last. I went downstairs and peeked into the living room to see both Jacob and Harrison still sleeping soundly on the sofas. I smiled and slipped into the kitchen, opening the back door to let Tessa out. The sun was still hanging low in the sky and it would be a bit until it rose completely. It really had been a while since I was up this early, but it was perfect for today! That meant I could start the day off making a big breakfast for Jacob's last day!

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