24: Messy Territory

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Hey friends! It's been a while. I'm sorry. Just trying to provide the best work here! Enjoy this chapter! I hope you do, at least.


-Y/N's Point of View-

I stared out at the road, blinking slowly as I tried to wear the soreness out of my eyes.

"So are you gonna tell me what happened, or not?" Kat's voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked down at my lap and finally looked at her for the first time since she came to pick me up and helped me into her car. She was gripping the steering wheel, her thumbs tapping in nervousness and her knuckles white as she gripped the wheel tighter. Kat was confident, but when she was really concerned, she showed it. She kept glancing back at me and the road, her cheek tucked in as she sucked the corner of her mouth in.

I sighed and looked down at my lap again, my thumbs twiddling together. "I..." I trailed off before I even began.

Kat reached a hand over to my shoulder and squeezed it. "Start from the beginning. What were you doing there anyway? Doesn't Jacob leave tonight?"

"Yeah..." I nodded. I explained Jacob's plan and Kat chuckled, knowing very well that it was something she would do, too. "Anyway, it took some convincing but I finally just gave in. We danced, we had a few drinks, time passed..."


"Well..." I let out a shaky breath, unsure of how to tell her the next part. How could I even form the words? They sounded so strange no matter how I put them.

Because it was strange.

"Well, what?" Kat asked, once again interrupting my thoughts. Okay, all I had to do was take my time and explain...

"Harrison kissed me."

Or just rip the bandaid off, that works, too.

Kat stayed quiet and I could feel my face scrunch up in confusion. I looked up at her and she kept her eyes on the road, her grip firm on the wheel, knuckles still white. Nothing. Really? She had nothing to say?

"Are you gonna say anything?" I asked. Kat's expression remained as the car slowed to a stop. I looked forward and saw we were at a give way. But there were no other cars around... and she still wasn't saying anything.

I waved my hand to Kat. "Earth to Kat, did you he-"

"He kissed you!?" Kat finally screeched out, slamming her hand down on the steering wheel. I jumped up, my heart pounding as the horn went off for a second.

"Jeez, you couldn't react any sooner!?" I exclaimed.

"I was processing!"

"Well, it didn't process enough, apparently!"

"Tell me everything. How did it happen? When? Why?"

"I'm not gonna explain while we're still sitting here! There are no cars around, we don't need to be stopped!" I told her.

She scoffed and started driving again. "Okay, explain now."

So explain I did. I told her everything from when I started feeling the buzz, to the DJ's announcement, and to the kiss. Just as I finished telling the story, we were pulling into our complex. Wow, I hadn't been here in a while. Not since all those rumors about Tom were swirling. To think they were just rumors and I reacted to them the way I did, without knowing... Gosh, I was dumb... But I guess that meant I cared.

Kat turned off her car and sat back in her seat as she pulled the key out. "Well, he's fucked!" She exclaimed. "Oh, man, I knew he had a thing for you! I told you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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