7: Blossoming in Progress

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Welcome back! Thanks for sticking around this long.


YFN = Your first name

It'll have nothing to do with you or your character, though, so don't worry about it toooo much! Okay, ONWARDS!


-Y/N's Point of View-

Four days into the second week and three days after my dinner with Harrison's family. The days were going by pretty fast. I sat on the couch with Tessa's head laying on my lap, one hand petting her head and the other flipping through channels on the TV. There was a knock on the front door.

"Sorry Tess, I better check who that is." I sighed, gently sliding out from under Tessa's head. She lifted it up immediately after though, so I moved a second too early! I stood up and put the remote down, walking to the front door. I looked out the peephole and my eyes met a very smiley Harrison. I laughed, opening the door.

"Happy Hump Day!" He chirped, pulling out a paper bag and a drink carrier from behind his back.

"Haz! What's this?" I smiled, stepping aside to let him in.

"Breakfast from Pistachios! Delivered by yours truly." He bowed and then gestured to the kitchen.

"I see, but why?" I asked, following him to the table. Tessa took it as a cue to jump off the couch and follow us.

Haz set the things down, handing me my tea. "No reason! I just felt like it!"

"Aw... well, thank you." I grinned, taking the drink. "So what are we having?"

"The same sandwich we had last Monday! Except today's pastry is one of their specials."

"Oh, how fancy!"

Harrison set everything out and we sat down at the table. "So I was thinking we could make this a weekly thing. Once a week, Pistachios's breakfast. Here or there." He spoke, unwrapping his sandwich.

"That sounds fun! But you've gotta let me pay at least once." I told him, taking my sandwich out.

"Oh, never!" Harrison scoffed, taking a bite.

"Come on! Once a week means we have two more of these! I should at least be allowed to pay for one of the four times."

"Wait, four? Where did you get that number from?"

"Well, after I'm done here with Tessa, I probably won't be around too much," I explained.

"Why do you say that?" Harrison asked, putting his sandwich down.

"I mean... I'm here to dog sit Tessa. That's it! When everyone is back, I'll be out of the picture."

"Uh, no. I don't think so. Not on my watch either. Remember, you're family."

"I know, but-"

"No buts!"

"Okay, but-"

"What did I say about buts?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry! But-"

"Y/N." Harrison shot me a death glare.

"No buts. I got it!" I laughed, throwing my hands up.

"Good. So we're doing this once a week. Forever!"

"Right. Forever." I smiled, shaking my head.


"Tessa! Fetch!" I shouted, throwing a stick towards Harrison. We had been sitting at the table talking when we realized we had been sitting there for three hours, so we decided to have a little playtime with Tessa outside. I think it was safe to say Tessa was enjoying herself very much. Tessa stopped by Harrison, who had picked up the stick and held it over his head. She jumped, trying to reach for it.

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