15: Breathing, Beating

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It's been over two weeks. Mentally, I had planned to at least update every other week if I couldn't get anything up every week.

Last week was weird. After hearing of Stan Lee's passing, I wasn't as motivated. It was also a busy week in general. But my motivation picked up again when I watched all these amazing videos on Stan Lee. The things he created! And he never stopped. Always involved in every single project. If he never stopped and kept going, I shouldn't. 

But even with the motivation back, the week was busy. I was writing in my other stories, too, because I got inspired along the way. And I finally got the energy to pick up my laptop again and edit more chapters. So here's a new one. I hope you guys like it. Enjoy!

-Y/N's Point of View-

I woke up to the bright sun piercing through the blinds, my eyes squinting as I turned over in the bed. I could barely move my body. It felt heavy and sore. I cleared my throat, feeling a scratchiness. I kept trying to clear through it, but it led to a fit of coughs.

No way.

Was I sick? Right now!?

I sat up, holding my chest and coughing repeatedly. Holding myself up felt difficult. I leaned back against the cool wall. My body was a lot hotter than it should have been. I could feel myself sweating a little. Great. This is just what I needed.

I shoved the comforter off of my legs, not being able to stand the heat. I tried to stand up, my coughs sending me forward. I leaned on the wall to support myself.

"Oh my gosh..." I muttered, walking along the wall for support. I picked up my phone from the desk and looked at the time. 8:37 a.m. It was so early for the weekend! I sighed, sitting down at the desk to pick my hair up into a bun. It was hot, but it was also really cold. I shivered, standing back up to grab a blanket. I wrapped it around myself and walked to the door, opening it and dragging myself outside. My footsteps were heavy as I leaned on the railing of the stairs and padded down. I went into the living room and sat down at the corner of the couch Harrison was sleeping on, curling up and leaning against the back of it. I tried to keep myself small enough so Harrison wouldn't bump into me if he stretched out. Jacob slept on the other couch by the window.

I held my coughs in, trying to breathe through them. I sighed, leaning my head back. After a few seconds, the couch moved beneath me. I looked forward and saw Harrison stirring. He let out a groan as he turned over. I cleared my throat, feeling another cough coming up. Haz immediately flinched when I cleared my throat. Wow, he must be a light sleeper. His eyes opened up slowly as he looked around. Then he looked at me and sat up, turning his head.

"Y/N?" He uttered.

"Morning, Haz." I croaked between coughs.

"What are you doing up? What time is it?"

"It's half past eight..."

"Whoa, it's early. Are you okay?"

I coughed, shaking my head. "I guess I'm sick..."

"Oh, no. Really? Today?"

"I can't choose when to be sick, Haz." I muttered.

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just unfortunate timing!"

I nodded, my mind totally groggy. "I know."

"Do you want me to get Tom?" Haz asked, standing up.

"No, no!" I shook my head rapidly, trying to stand up but falling back immediately. I took in a deep breath, my chest feeling tight.

"Yeah, I'm getting Tom."

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