4: First Day Blues

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-Tom's Point of View-

I woke up at 8:00 a.m., my alarm sounding off. My nose picked up the smell of something sweet cooking downstairs. I sat up and stretched, kicking my legs over the side of the bed. Tessa's head rose up from the end of the bed. I smiled at her. "Hi Tess. Good morning." I yawned, standing up and stretching. I rubbed my eyes, padding my way to the door and leaving my room. Tess followed me as I stumbled down the hall and down the stairs, the smell growing stronger.

"Mum?" I murmured, rubbing my face as I walked around the corner into the kitchen. My eyes squinted at a girl hopping around the kitchen, humming and flipping a pancake onto an already big stack. Oh yeah, Y/N... Y/N! What was she doing!? She turned around and grinned at me. "Good morning sunshine! I hope you like pancakes!" I shuffled further into the kitchen, leaning against the island counter. Tessa scurried around the kitchen and out the dog door to do her business.

"Yeah, I do, but Y/N, you didn't have to make a big breakfast! It's early for you!" I exclaimed.

Y/N turned to flip another pancake. "Don't be silly! I thought it would be nice to have a big breakfast before you leave!"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "Well, that's very nice of you... How long have you been up?"

"Since 7. And don't panic! I've been up way earlier for dog sitting. I'm used to it."

"This isn't dog sitting, Y/N, this is making breakfast for the people you're dog sitting for." I slid around the counter and stood next to her.

"It's not a big deal, Tom, really." Y/N turned to me, holding up the spatula she was using.

"I just feel bad, that's all. You really didn't have to do it."

"Tom..." Y/N set the spatula down and turned off the stove. I looked over and saw that the bowl of batter was empty. Y/N looked up at me, sighing. "I'm doing this because I feel bad. We left off last night kind of rocky. I didn't like it. You said it yourself. We both said it. You, Tom Holland. Friend. Me, Y/N L/N. Friend. And I want us to be comfortable friends."

I small smile crept on my face. "Don't feel bad. I'm okay. I promise. Okay?"

Y/N nodded and turned back to the platter of pancakes. "Sit. I'm going to set everything down. Hopefully your mom and dad will be down in time to eat, too." I obeyed her orders, not wanting her to feel anymore guilty about last night. I couldn't believe she was doing this because of how the night ended. It wasn't that bad. Maybe she saw it worse than I did? What actually ran through her mind? What was she so confused about? These questions raced through my mind as I watched Y/N set the pancakes on the table. She rounded the kitchen, bringing plates and glasses. There was a brown grocery bag on the ground, which she picked up and pulled a jug of orange juice out of. She brought it to the table and sat it down. I looked up at her. "You went to the store?"

Y/N nodded. "Yes, I didn't want to use what you guys had right here, so I went out to get stuff for this breakfast."

"Y/N... You realize you'll have to use what we have here anyway, right? Since we'll be gone?" I questioned.

"I know... but you guys are still here, so you're not gone yet." She smiled, bringing a fresh bottle of maple syrup and silverware to the table. "I'm going to wash things up. I guess... dig in?"

"Let me help you." I stood up.

Y/N stopped in her tracks. "No," she started. "You just relax. You've got to leave in almost half an hour."

"Then, do you at least want me to get my parents? So they can eat?"

She turned her head up, thinking. "That... That might be okay."

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