13: Perfect (Part 1)

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I am so sorry for the late update. Things got in the way... I said it shouldn't take too long to edit this but I got caught up in reading it and the chapter is a LOT longer than I pictured! So you're in for a long one!

I hope you enjoy!

Oh, also, if you have the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran in your music library or want to open it up in a new tab anywhere, I would. There will be a moment in this chapter where you will really feel in the moment listening to it. I think it makes the chapter so wonderful and so cute. I put a link to the song right before the moment! YOU WILL REGRET READING IT WITHOUT THE SONG PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND!! 

Okay, now, enjoy Part 1 of 2. :)

-Y/N's Point of View-

I looked to my right as Tom opened my door. I had tried to open it myself, but he stopped me before I could. What a gentleman! I looked at Tom, who was giving me the cheesiest grin ever. I swung my legs out, smiling and stepping out of the car. I watched as he closed the door.

"I'll get Tess." I spoke, turning to the back door where Tessa was. I reached for the handle, about to curve my fingers around it before my other arm was grabbed and I was whipped around to face Tom. I almost fell back, but he had a good grip on my waist and pulled me up into him. I grabbed his shoulder, stopping myself before our heads butted.

"Wow, you could say I almost fell for you there." I joked.

"Aww, well I fell for you a long time ago, love." Tom smiled, leaning in and kissing me.

I giggled. "Okay, I've fallen. Call life alert!"

Tom pulled back, his eyebrows raised. "I am life alert!"

"I fell for life alert!?" I fake gasped.

"I guess I'll always have your back." Tom winked, reaching behind me and opening the back door. Tessa jumped out and ran in circles in front of us.

"Someone's excited!" I exclaimed.

"You?" Tom asked, grabbing Tessa's leash in one hand and my hand in the other.


"You're not?"

"Of course I am." I laughed.

"Good," Tom swung my hand up and kissed it. "I don't know what I would have done if you weren't excited!"

"Well, I'm with you so that's all I need."

"Hey, I should be talking to you like this!" Tom cried, leading us to an open area by the car.

"You sweet talked me enough this morning!" I told him.

"Oh, there's never enough sweet talk. Not to you. I could sweet talk you forever."

"Oh, could you now?"

"Definitely." Tom pulled away and picked up a stick from the ground. He released Tessa from her leash and held the stick over her head. "Tess! Fetch!" He shouted, throwing the stick out in the distance. Tessa let out a yelp of excitement and ran after it. Tom turned to me. "See how excited she is to fetch that stick?"

"Yeah..?" I nodded.

"I was ten times more excited to fetch your heart."

I scrunched my nose up. "Tom, that was so bad."

Tom dropped his jaw, displaying an overly offended look on his face. "What!? I thought that was pretty good."

"You basically compared my heart to a stick you were fetching!"

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