17: Ready

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Welcome back!

If you're a returning reader, hello, and sorry for the wait!

If you're new, hello, and thank you for sticking to the story! 

To all, I hope you enjoy this new chapter. It took a lot of work! 


-Y/N's Point of View-

I woke up to wet kisses all over my face. I opened my eyes, seeing Tessa on my chest, still passing her tongue over my cheeks.

"Tess!" I giggled, sitting up and returning her kisses, scratching behind her ears. "Good morning, girl." I smiled. I looked to my left. Tom was gone.

"Now, where has your dad gone?" I asked Tessa. She sat up, looking at me with curious eyes. I chuckled, getting out of the bed and fixing it up as Tessa hopped off. I looked around once I made the bed.

This was Tom's room... and I slept in it with him... In his bed... And today is his last full day here...

I shook the thought out of my head and thought about the sick state I was in yesterday. I stood there for a bit, waiting for a cough to come out. A few throat clears later, I still had nothing!

"There's no way all that tea and medicine worked overnight..." I murmured, chuckling to myself. I was amazed! Everything I was feeling yesterday was gone! That's crazy!

I turned to the door, walking over and opening it to let Tessa out. I took one more look at Tom's room before walking out into the hallway and closing the door.

I made my way down the hallway, carefully walking down the stairs. I could hear the boys talking in the kitchen. Tessa scurried around the corner and started yapping at them.

"Tess! How'd you get out here?" Tom exclaimed.

"Are you sure you closed to door all the way?" Harrison laughed.

"I'm pretty sure I did!"

I stopped at the corner next to the entry way, listening in.

"Then how would Tessa have gotten out?" Jacob asked.

"I mean, I'm pretty sure I left the door closed completely!"

"Maybe she learned how to open doors." Haz joked.

"Oh yeah, totally. Hold on, let me check, maybe Y/N's a-" Tom came around the corner, stopping in front of me. His face went from frightened to happy in seconds. "...wake." He finished.

"Good morning." I smiled, reaching up and kissing his cheek.

Tom grabbed my face before I could pull back completely, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "Good morning, love." He grinned. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long. And hey, when did Tessa learn how to open doors?" I joked.

Tom laughed, taking my hand and walking us into the kitchen. "I found the door opener!" He exclaimed.

"Y/N!" Jacob shouted.

"Good morning!" Harrison sang.

"Good morning, guys." I smiled, waving and leaning into Tom. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I wrapped both of mine around his waist in a hug, looking up at him.

"Aww, look at you two." Jacob cooed. I heard a click of a camera and looked at him. He had his phone held up, a cheesy grin on his face.

"Send me that!" Tom hollered, pointing his hand out.

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