14: Perfect (Part 2)

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I am so sorry about the late update. This new job has my schedule all sorts of mixed up! Also, everyone, I'm going to start working every day starting next week, so I'm going to try to write as much as I can for the rest of this week so that I have things done ahead of time.

Anyway, here is Part 2 of Perfect! I'm leaving this link here so you can listen later, when I prompt you to. I also left the link in the part when it comes up!


This is just to prepare you early on.



-Tom's Point of View-

I bit the inside of my cheek, keeping an eye on the door. Jacob hadn't responded yet. It had only been a minute or so but I was impatient! I watched to see if he was just going to come out without answering as he would typically do. Haz tapped his foot, checking his phone every few seconds. I could tell he was impatient, too. Suddenly, the foot tapping stopped. His body language changed when he looked at his phone. His expression changed along with it. He looked up at me.

"You may want to read this." He sighed, holding his phone out. I took it from his hand and read the message that Jacob had just sent.


JACOB: Hey, man. Give me a minute? Y/N's having a hard time right now. Emotionally. Lots on her mind. I'll have to talk to Tom about it sometime.


I looked up from the phone and gave it back to Haz, shaking my head.

"I... I really want to check on her." I stuttered.

"Hold on, wait... He said he'll have to talk to you about whatever is bothering her sometime. Which means it's probably not something you'll want to talk to her about now. Let me text him back and see what we should do." Harrison told me, tapping away on his phone.

I nodded, dropping down into one of the seats by the table. I leaned my elbows onto my knees, putting my head in my hands. I stared at the ground. What could possibly be on her mind? Why was she telling Jacob and not me? It's our first day together as a couple and she was already keeping something from me... I know I shouldn't take it too personally, but she barely knew Jacob! She just met him! Maybe it was about me... Maybe she was feeling unsure about this relationship. She did seem a little off earlier while we were dancing. I knew it. I was pushing it. Fuck!

"Okay, he said that she's calmed down a bit. She just had to let some things out that were bothering her and that she has definitely chilled out now. He's going to stay around for a bit more and make sure she is completely fine before he steps out." Haz interrupted my thoughts.

"How is he texting without her noticing?" I asked.

"No idea. But you know what? It's a good thing he is with her. He's a good person to be there and cheer her up." He replied, sending Jacob a response.

"It should be me, though. I should be up there comforting her."

"I know. Look at it this way though, when Jacob talks to you about it, you'll be able to comfort her then."

"What if it's about me? What if she doesn't want to be with me? What if she changed her mind?"

"I don't think she would change her mind, mate! Look, whatever it is, you'll find out. Don't think about it, okay? Think about how happy she'll be when she gets down here and sees what you've done for her."

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