21: Delight

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Hello, hello! I'm so sorry for the wait. And yes, this is sudden and out of nowhere, but I was getting really annoyed with myself. I've had this chapter written for a few months now but never brought myself to post it. I've been thinking about this story for a couple of weeks now and started reading some of it earlier this week, and now I'm forcing myself to post this chapter. I have 2 other chapters written, but those will wait. Again, I'm so sorry for the wait. I also want to say THANK YOU FOR 100K READS! You guys are the best!

The last time I posted was in September and during a special week. One of you did guess why that week was so special! I met Tom! It was something! And the next month, I got to meet him again, and by chance, I met him a second time in that same weekend with Jake Gyllenhaal! They're both super sweet and Jake is actually taller than I thought... It was SO HARD to write more when I missed Tom so much. It was some weird depression. But it's been a few months and I'm making myself move forward. To do that, I'm going to reread this whole story so I can remember everything and hopefully gather inspiration. That may take some time, but know it will be good for the future of this story! Anyway, I don't want to go on too long, and maybe some of you guys have skipped this.. if you didn't, THANK YOU, SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU! It's okay if you did though, I know it's been a while. Okay, on to the story...

ENJOY! I hope this is good enough for how late it is.


-Tom's Point of View-

I walked up to the building, following closely behind Jeffrey. He approached the guard by the door and spoke in a low tone, informing him of who I was and what we were there for. The guard immediately went from serious, to smiley.

"Mr. Holland, we have been awaiting your arrival! Welcome. Allow me to let you in." He greeted.

"Thank you." I nodded. Jeffrey turned to me and gave me a big smile as we waited for the guard to swipe his keycard and open the door. It beeped and clicked, signaling the guard to open the door and hold it for us.

"Gentlemen," He bowed slightly.

"Thank you, thank you!" Jeffrey acknowledged, leading me inside. I nodded at the guard and waved at him as I walked inside. He returned the nod and smiled, shutting the door behind us once we were inside.

"Are you prepared, Tom?" Jeffrey asked as we walked down the corridor.

"Oh yeah! It's just an interview! No biggie!" I smiled.

"Yeah, but do you think you can make it through without letting anything slip?" He joked.

"What!? Yes! Hey, I'm getting better at this!"

"Ah, key word, getting!"

"Very funny! Besides, I'll have Robert there to help out!"

"Ah yes, Mr. Downey could very much keep the mice in their trap!"

"Did you just refer to my spoilers as mice?" I laughed.

"Only a little bit!" Jeffrey chuckled.

"Jeffrey! I did not expect this from you!" I gasped dramatically.

"I've been holding it in while you were gone! It has to be let out somehow!"

"I've missed you, too, Jeffrey." I nudged him.

He laughed and stopped at a pair of double glass doors, frosted, so we couldn't exactly see through them. He opened it up and we stepped into a large room with a divide in the middle. One side of the room had a seating area with some refreshments and finger foods laid out on tables. The other side of the room had a whole interview set-up. Backdrops, lights, umbrellas, microphones, and cameras. People rushed around, working behind screens, on clipboards, behind cameras, and more. In the center back area, there was a dressing space where we could get ready and get touched up by stylists. This was all the typical stuff that I was now very much used to. And now to wait for that greeter with a big, toothy smile and getting me sorted out for the afternoon, which, I was surprised hadn't popped in to greet Jeff and I just yet! I looked around to see who it could possibly be, but no one stood out to me. Weird... Maybe we were supposed to settle in ourselves? Well, this was a new experience!

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