3: A Friend Behind the Closed Door

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-Y/N's Point of View-

I took a deep breath, standing at the door step of the Holland home. The Holland home. Home of Tom Holland. Spider-Man. I shook my head, "You can do this, Y/N." I whispered to myself. I stood straight and knocked on the door, my grip tightening around my duffle bag. I heard footsteps inside as the door unlocked. Nicola greeted me with a smile.

"Hi Y/N! Welcome back!" She held the door open. "Come on in." I smiled back at her, stepping inside. "Thank you."

"I'll have one of the boys take your bag up for you. Dom, Tom! Y/N is here!" Nicola called out. There was a clatter upstairs. I turned to Nicola.

"I can take my bag up, it's alright, Mrs. Holland." I told her.

"Oh, dear, call me Nikki. And don't worry about the bag. Tom will most likely do it." She assured.

"Do what?" Tom's voice came from the stairs as he came down. I felt myself tense up.

"Oh, hello, Tom. I was talking about taking Y/N's bag up to her room, if you don't mind." Nicola turned to Tom, giving him a weird look. Must be a mom thing... I thought.

Tom's face lit up. "Oh! No! Of course not!" He came up to me and reached for my bag. "Hi, Y/N, how... how are you?" He smiled.

I released my grip on the bag, letting him take it. "I'm... okay. Happy to be here!" I replied, trying to be breezy.

"Well, I'm happy you're here!" Tom grinned. He had such a charming smile. It's no wonder Marvel casted him as Spider-Man. He was handsome, yet dorky.

"I'll take this up. See you two at the table?" He looked at his mom and I, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes! We'll be there." Nicola confirmed. Tom smiled at me one more time and headed upstairs with my bag. Nicola turned to me.

"Well, why don't we head into the kitchen. I don't know what is taking Dom so long, but we can see!" She joked. I nodded and followed her to the kitchen, the tension still sitting in my shoulders. I'm really about to have dinner with Spider-Man and his parents. What!?

Dominic was at the sink, washing his hands. He turned around and smiled hugely, grabbing a towel to dry his hands. "Why hello, Y/N! Sorry I couldn't greet you at the door. I was tending to Tessa outside."

"Hi, Mr. Holland. Thanks for having me over." I smiled.

"Mr. Holland? Call me Dom!" He bellowed, coming over and patting my back. "Please, sit! Nikki and I will set the food down."

"Do you guys need any help?" I asked.

"No, no! You are the guest! Sit!" Nicola insisted, gesturing to a seat at the table.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed, sitting down. Tom came around the corner into the kitchen, smiling brightly at me. He walked to the table and sat in front of me.

"Hi." He greeted, the smile still stuck on his face.

"Hi." I smiled back at him. We sat in silence for a while. I looked down at my hands, fiddling with my thumbs.

"So, um... thanks, again, for watching Tess. I really think she'll be in good hands." Tom broke the silence.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, of course. Anything for a family in need of a dog-sitter!" I cheered nervously. You're being way too enthusiastic Y/N.

There was another silence.

"Well!" Nicola broke the silence this time. Thank god. The tension was definitely rising. "Y/N, I hope you like chicken. I roasted it with some veggies!" She came to the table with a platter laid out with a beautiful, golden chicken and some colorful roasted vegetables.

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