2: Gesture

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Here's that friend Kat I was telling you about.

Thanks for continuing to read it after that lacking first chapter! Like I said, I promise it will get better! :)

Also, key for something here.

FLFN = First Letter of First Name



-Y/N's Point of View-

"Kat!" I walked into my flat, closing the door behind me. I tossed my keys onto the hall table and walked back to my roommate, Kathleen's, room. I knocked on her door. "Kat?"

"It's always open!" Kat called from within her room. I chuckled and opened the door, "Had to hear the infamous catchphrase." Kat and I had met when I moved here. I was putting up a flyer in search of a roommate in a coffee shop and she immediately tore it down as soon as I put it up. She took my hand and shook it. "I'm Kat. Short for Kathleen. Hopefully your new roommate if you'll sit and have coffee with me!" She had chirped. She took me by surprise, but I agreed to sitting with her. I needed friends here! It had turned out that she had just moved to Kingston, too. Not from too far, but for work purposes, and she needed a place to stay. Let's just say, we clicked and have been inseparable ever since!

"You were gone for longer than expected." Kat grinned, her gap tooth beaming. She was sitting at her desk, typing away at her computer. "Well, yeah..." I threw myself onto her bed. "I got surprised during my dog walk by a job offer and had to go into this little... interview, I guess, as soon as I dropped the dogs off."

Kat spun around in her chair, doing a little dance with her shoulders. "Oh, a job offer, huh? Do tell!"

I smiled at her childish excitement. "Okay, but how about we grab dinner first because I'm-"

"Already handled. I ordered a pizza and it's on its way." She interrupted, dusting her hands together like she got some serious work done. And she did! Knowing I wanted pizza without me telling her and then ordering it without telling me? She knew me too well.

"That's why I love you." I smiled.

"Okay, so tell me about this job offer!" Kat jumped into the bed with me, sitting up, obviously excited.

"Well, it's dog-sitting. It's a month long period. The family will be gone so they needed someone. They're offering 50 pounds a day."

"Whoa! That's more than what others usually offer!"

"I know! I tried to talk it down after I met with them before I left but they wouldn't do it. Their dog is special to them! Especially to..." I drifted off.

Kat's eyes went wide, half with excitement and half with anticipation. "... Especially to...? Who!?"

"Okay, the people who approached me, they have this son. This dog is so very special to him. He adores her."

"Oh, so, there's a boy in the picture... what's he like? Is he cute?" Kat smirked.

"Kat! Calm down, you have Zachary!"

"I know! And I will always have Zachary. I just meant for you! I've been trying to hook you up with people for the past 3 years and you won't take what I offer!"

"I'm not looking, Kat." I laughed.

"Or maybe... you stopped looking." Kat quipped.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, turning to her.

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