6: Thoughtful

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Another Saturday, another chapter! Woohoo! Here's your note for this chapter:

@yIGuser = Your Instagram Username

It's weirdly put, I know. But it's okay. ONWARDS!

-Y/N's Point of View-

It had been a week at the Holland home, and it was very peaceful. Tessa was such a delight to dog sit. She was so sweet. I often found her pawing at Tom's bedroom door. Something told me she missed sleeping in there. I had never gone in there before. I didn't want to, considering it was his own room. Harrison and I hung out almost every day. He was kind enough to keep me company. We had planned for my dinner with his family at his house for tonight and while I was nervous, I was also pretty excited! Tom and I talked every night. Sometimes, twice a day! He could talk about Tessa and his job for hours. It was so clear that he loved what he did. Nothing had changed between the two of us, even with learning more things about him from Harrison. I always got too nervous to bring those things up. Our conversations were usually casual. Funny most of the time. We goofed around a lot. Sometimes, I felt like we could go somewhere with our conversations in that direction. If you know what I mean. We were definitely getting a lot closer, and it felt like we were clicking. I was really starting to like him, but deep inside, I knew it wouldn't happen. I mean, he's Tom Holland for Pete's sake! I would be in dreamland if that ever happened.

I was fixing my dress for the night and grabbed my jean jacket, heading downstairs. Tessa was sitting in the living room looking out the window. I popped in and looked at her. "Hey Tess!"

Tessa turned her head and hopped up, running to me and jumping onto my legs. I bent down and gave her small kisses. "Let's go outside for a bit. I wanna make sure you're all ready for staying in the house while I'm at Harrison's." I led Tess outside and she ran around the yard. I swung on my jacket and looked at my phone. I had three messages waiting for me. While Tessa ran around, I sat at the table and read through everything.

KAT: Hey, hey! Just reaching out to wish you luck on this dinnerrrrrr! Let me know how it goes. Don't do anything I would do. Love ya!

I smiled and clicked reply.

Me: I will definitely let you know. Thanks Kat!
HAZ BEAR: I'll be over in 10 minutes! I'm just grabbing something from the store. My family is excited to meet you! And I'm excited for you to meet them. See you soon.

His text made me nervous, but also got me excited! If he was excited and his family was excited, I should be excited! I hit reply.

Me: I'm kind of nervous but also kind of excited? Weird, I know. But I'll see you soon!
TOM: Hey! How's my girl doing?

His girl? What? He's never sent anything like this... He probably meant to send it to someone else... I thought. I clicked reply.

Me: Huh? Your girl...? Wrong number there, Thomas.
I sighed and put my phone down, looking out at Tess. He definitely meant to send that to someone else. I knew whatever he had for me would be over quick. Kat was actually wrong for once. I shook my head. This is one thing I didn't want to be right about. Why did it hurt so much? It's not like I ever actually had him. What was there to lose? My phone vibrated. I looked at it.

TOM: No... I for sure meant to text you. I was just wondering how Tessa was doing.

TESSA! No dip! I slapped my forehead, quickly going in to reply. Before I could even start typing, Tom sent something else.

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