11: Misshapen Flapjacks

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Welcome back. I apologize for the late update!! I might as well change my update days to either Tuesday or Wednesday because that seems to be the way to go! We'll see... Anyway! Here's another chapter. Enjoy!

-Tom's Point of View-

Harrison and I sat in the living room in silence. My foot shook. My fingers tapped against the arm of the couch. My breathing was slow, and a loud sigh would escape every few seconds. What could Jacob possibly be doing in Y/N's room right now? How did she just allow him to come in like that? She couldn't possibly have just let him in, sat down, and talked with him.

I sighed. "What do you think they're talking about?"

Harrison looked up at me. "Uh... Well... I don't know. They could just be getting to know each other. I mean, they did just meet. I don't think they would talk about anything too serious."

"He couldn't wait for one of us to introduce him to her?"

"You know Jacob. He's a character. I think he saw an opportunity and took it! And hey, you never know, he may just be getting a lot out of her. He might be the one who solves this whole problem!"

"You really think that Jacob will be the one who will solve everything?"

The sound of a door opening came from upstairs. Harrison stood up. "Looks like we're about to find out..." He murmured. I watched as Harrison walked to the entryway. He looked up, Jacob coming from behind the wall first. He gave Harrison a fist bump and then gestured his head towards the kitchen. They looked at me and turned around, walking into the kitchen. I could hear the back door open and close. Footsteps were heard like they were coming down the stairs. It had to be Y/N. I stood up as she turned slowly came down and turned into the doorway. She looked at me, her hands clasped together in front of her and her body hunched forward. Her lips were pressed together as if she was keeping herself from saying anything. So we both said nothing at all. It was silent. We stood in the same place. I held my gaze on her as hers fell to the ground. She finally parted her lips, a long breath releasing itself. It was like she was holding it the whole time. With her eyes still down, she walked into the living room. Her pace was slow, but she knew where she was going. I watched as she circled around the sofas and stopped herself directly in front of me. Her eyes finally met mine.

"Hi," She spoke.

"Hi..." I replied.

"I... I met Jacob..."

"I see..."

"We talked..." She looked down at her hands, fidgeting with them. This felt like our first night together. When she could barely look at me and always played with her hands.

"Yeah...?" I raised my eyebrows.

She nodded. "Yeah... He showed me something..."

"What did he show you?" I asked nervously.

"He showed me... an interview..."

"An interview?"

"Yeah. He helped me analyze it... What things meant..."

"What interview was it?"

"An interview you had with Ingrid Phillips..?"

Fuck. I forgot that was going to be released today. Did I say anything stupid in that interview? Did I completely blow it?

"Oh yeah..." I looked down.

"Can I tell you what his analysis told me?"

I looked up at her. Her eyes were back up to mine again. "Um... Yeah. Go ahead." I told her.

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