I'm alive.

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Did you miss me?

Probably not.

Don't worry, I'm alive. Life got to me and I had serious writers block.

I had great motivation to get a new chapter for this story out this week, because this week is a VERY SPECIAL week.

I'll say more later.

I'm still writing!! I actually have another story in the works as well. It's a collaboration between my friend and I. I'm not sure when that will be out but I'm excited to share it. I currently have a lot of chapters for Into the Deep still written that I haven't posted and this story is slowly coming together, too. I'm currently writing chapter 22, which means chapter 20 will be up very soon... that brings me to...

HELLO! It's still September 1st where I am. 2 hours away from September 2nd. Monday. September 2nd. It might be September 3rd for those of you in different time zones and way ahead by the time I wake up. Either way, expect chapter 20 to this VERY STORY on this day. At the end of that chapter, I'll announce why this week is so special.

Does anyone have any guesses!?

Aaaah! I'm really happy to be back, guys. I missed you, I hope you missed me. I'm so sorry I was gone for so long. I'll try not to do that again. I'm writing this on such an emotional night and this is really getting to me so I'm gonna stop. Ya girl needs a mental break!!

Okay, I'm off. I'm writing right now, I just wanted to make an announcement before I continued. Thank you for being patient. I appreciate you guys soooo much! Don't worry, I've been reading all the new comments coming in. I can't believe we're so close to 80k reads! Wow. Thank you all, from the bottom of my little heart.

I love you 3000 😉

Until Monday, September 2nd. Chapter 20: The Countdown. Coming soon.

-Mother Nikki

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