9: Mix-Up

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Remember in the last chapter when I said that I hopefully wouldn't be doing the short, separated POVs and stuff as much? Well... consider this 2 chapters in a row. And this is before I even write this all! I just know this already! Anyway, enjoy. :)


-Tom's Point of View-

It felt so good to wake up late today after that early morning yesterday. I only had one meet and greet event today, and that was at two o'clock. After that, it was straight to the airport for my flight! I set my alarm to wake me up at 10:30, and that was exactly what I needed. Jeff had already called me to see if I needed anything and I chose to just get some breakfast that the hotel provided for us. We left around at around noon to get to the venue. On our way there, I decided to ring Harrison.

"Hey mate, how goes it?" Harrison answered optimistically.

"It's alright! I got to sleep in a little for once. How was your night with Y/N?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh, it was great! I think it's safe to say that your grass will definitely be greener with that water gun fight we had, though."

"Aah, something fresh for Tess to relieve herself on." I joked.

"We did it just for her! She had fun, too! She was watching but sometimes she would run into some of our shots. We were all pretty soaked by the end. I'm surprised none of your neighbors freaked out on us."

"Please, with the things we do back there? They're used to it!"

"You're probably right..."

"So, what did you do today?"

"Well, I made some calls this morning, just to set things straight, then I took Charlotte to her friend's house. After that, I went to visit Y/N, we ordered some pizza, and just watched some movies. I had to come back a little early to pick up Charlotte again but I'm planning on going back again to keep her company for the night. Ever since you told me the whole lonely thing, I've been feeling bad about leaving her!"

"Sounds like you had a pretty relaxed day. Thanks for keeping her company though. I have to admit... it did make me a little bit uncomfortable at first, the idea of it... last night."

"What, did you think we'd be sharing beds or something?"

"Uh... the thought crossed my mind..."

"Tom really? You know I wouldn't-"

"I know! I know... I just overthink things. You know."

"Oh, I know." Harrison laughed. "Trust me, Tom, I know my boundaries."

"I know you do. Sorry I had doubts, mate."

"It's alright, you were just worried. Oh, also, sorry I just cut you off so suddenly last night."

"Oh, you're alright, mate. I'll have to tell you about what happened to me some other time. It looks like we're close to the venue... She really hit you with a water gun fight out of nowhere, huh?" I chuckled.

"Hey, I really just thought we were gonna have sundaes and watch a film! I had no idea that she was filling up water guns in the loo. That does explain why she took so long though..."

"You're just figuring that out now?"

"I hadn't really thought about it, to be honest. Not today, at least. I've just been preparing for tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"

"... Tom... Really?"


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