22: Weak

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Helloooooo!! Miss me!?

Probably not; it's been forever. I've had this chapter sitting here since November of 2019. Can you believe it? The only reason I didn't post it was because I wanted to have more future chapter drafts written done beforehand. Well, I'm not there, but I figured since we're in such a hectic week, I'd post something that can hopefully be a distraction to everyone, even for a short time.

I hope this chapter is enough!!! I should be getting a new laptop soon, so that should mean more writing. Hopefully.

Sorry for taking so long. Sending everyone lots of love and big hugs. Covid free 😂

-Tom's Point of View-

My eyes were heavy as I opened them, an itch in my throat ready to jump out. I cleared it out, sitting up on my elbows as the throat clearing went into a cough. One of my elbows collapsed and I fell back onto my pillow.

"What the hell...?" I groaned, coughing again. My body immediately felt hot and I could feel my shirt sticking to it from the sweat starting to form. I immediately grabbed the comforter over my legs and tossed it off, forcing myself to sit up. I pressed my face into my palms and could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks. I shook my head, pushing myself to sit off the side of the bed and taking my shirt off. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand as I threw the shirt towards the end of the bed. I saw a few messages but ignored them as I unlocked the phone and called Jeffrey. I covered my mouth as more coughs escaped me.

"Hello? Tom? Are you okay?" Jeffrey's concerned voice came through the phone.

"J-Jeffrey. I think I'm... I think I've come down with... Something." I spoke in between coughs.

"Oh dear. Alright, I'll call to see if we can get a doctor to you. Hang tight and stay hydrated."

"O- okay. Thanks, J- Jeff- Jeffrey-"

"Don't overwork yourself, Tom. Relax. I'll be there soon with a doctor."


"Alright, I'll see you soon."

I hummed my goodbye and hung up, another coughing fit coming over me.

"Great..." I mumbled. I sighed standing up weakly. I stumbled to the other side of the room to the desk, sitting down in the rolling chair and grabbing the water bottle sitting at the edge of the desk. I opened it and chugged it all down in that sitting. I instantly felt better, my body cooled down a little. I set the bottle down and looked at my phone, swiping through to look at the messages. There were a few messages from my family, and one from Y/N. I smiled seeing her name, but not for long as a cough interrupted me. I groaned and tapped on my mum's messages.

MUM: Hello darling! Just checking up on you. I hope everything is going well with you... And Y/N. Ah, I still get so excited thinking about it! How's that going? I'm so happy for you two! Your father and I miss you. Everything is going great over here! Let's catch up soon, okay?

I quickly typed out a reply to her.

Me: Hey, Mum. I'm doing okay. I woke up ill today so that's not fun. Y/N is great! I'm really happy. She's perfect. Our days together were amazing and I cannot wait to see her again! The flight back was smooth and I'm still pretty tired, but the trip to see her was so worth it. We're great. I'm glad you and Dad are enjoying things! We can probably talk today- I don't think I'll be going out since I'm sick. I miss you guys, too.

I went to the next message: Harry's.


HARRY: Paddy is being such a pain in the arse today! But it's okay. Only a few more days of this trip. You talk to the sitter about Tessa lately? How is she doing? Tessa, that is. I can't wait until we're back in London so we can go to the pub and meet some ladies!

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